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𝟸𝟸 | " ᴅᴏɴ'ᴛ ᴋɴᴏᴡ ᴡʜᴀᴛ ᴄᴀɴ ʜᴀᴘᴘᴇɴ ɪɴ ᴛʜɪs ɴɪɢʜᴛ! "

|| ᴀᴜᴛʜᴏʀ's ᴘᴏᴠ ||

" Juice or coffee? What you would like to drink with me? ", He asked leaning backwards with support of his palm.

Colour of Iseul's face fades away, recalling the juice she drank, how he fooled her!
Iseul instantly Oscillates her head violently.

His chest vibrates as he chuckles at her reaction.
He remove his weight from his palm, and straightened his position, inducing little girl besides him scott away.

" Sweetheart, did you had your dinner? ", He asked, while sliding closer to her body.

Iseul shallows her breathe, with a audible gulp, feeling his burning presence and shadow over her.

She wobbles her head as yes, she again scotts away, but she flinches hard when he placed his hand on thighs.

" Stop fvcking moving! ", He rasped with irritation cleared in his raspy deep tone.
Iseul raise her trembling fingers, and wrapped over his hands which are wrapped around her thighs, she pushes his hand.

He tilts his head at her fearless act, which amuses him.
With a chuckle he spoke, " This strength of your will not help you to fight me! ", He rasped with amusement lingering on his eyes.

Iseul's grasp around his hands loosen, her body liquefied because of the impact of his bogging tone.

He pulled back his hand, still leering her gloomy face.
His hands curled into a strong fist, looking at her trembling lips.
His fist tightened, inducing his nails digging into his palm's skin.

He swallows his breathe, when iseul licked her already wet lips.
" You are in my room on my bed, how am i supposed to control my beast?! ", He uttered roaming his immortal blue orbs on her figure, scanning her from her eyes to chin.

Iseul's instantly shifted her orbs to him hearing upon his unfiltered words.
Her breathes stucked, her lashes shaken looking at his eyes, which are describing nothing but a pure provocative desire for her.
Iseul clutch the bedsheet underneath her palms.

Jungkook tilts his head.

Iseul look away unable to bear his leering eyes, but Her lips aparts, she jumped on her place, when he clutched her fistful hairs.

He pulled her closer to his face with jerk while clutching her hairs into bearable fist.
She instantly closes her eyes because of his sudden action, but her lashes shaken along with her breathes, feeling his warm breathes fanging on her face.

He again tilted his head looking at her trembling lips, which are inviting to feast.
He raised his free hand, iseul shrieks at her place, when he placed his index and thumb over her trembling warm lips.

Cold shiver run down to her spine, when he clutch her lower lip in his fingers grip.

" Close your eyes! ", He rasped in his raspy vocals, inducing iseul's arms pricked with goosebumps, she pressed her lashes more densely knowing he wants to control her.

" I want your eyes on me, Open your eyes, Right. Now! ", He whispered calmly, with his Desirable eyes wandering over her gloomy face.
Her wet lashes touching her cheeks, tears streaming down to her cheeks, causing the glow of her face brighter.
She cries alot!
His lips tugged up, when she slowly apart her lashes.

" mi Hermosa mujer! "
"(My beautiful woman.) "He again whispered against her cheeks, worshiping the beauty infront of him.

Unable to understand the foreign words he whispered, she battles her lashes with her brows knitted.

" lo siento, mi amor! "
"( I am sorry,My Love! )", He rasped to himself, still staring deep into her lips as if its the only meal left.

Iseul's body jumped, her breathes stucked, when he slammed his lips on hers.
Iseul's palms instantly grabs his shirt silk material, and push him by his mascular chest.
But his body didn't move an inch, but the pace of his rough kiss fasten.

His chest vibrates when their saliva linked.
Iseul's dreadful eyes shaken more, when he entered his tongue.

Iseul throw her hands and struggles, but her anxious filled eyes bewildered, when he clutches her wrist with his one hand and growls, " STOP MOVING ! "

With that,

He pushed her down on the bed, with their lips still connected.

Iseul's body landed on the soft mattress, her orbs trembles, his heavy mascular body above her pressed her chest.

He lifts his mascular body, and put his weight on his elbow, as he don't want to crush the little woman beneath him.
He pins her wrist above her head still chewing her lips.

Iseul's delicate cheeks get warmed because of her continuous tears streaming.

All she wants is to scream, she wants to beg, but the disability is curse.
She can't even cry loud.

He slows his pace when the wrist around his finger gets cold indicating she is lacking of breathes.
With a pop sound he disconnected his lips.

He growls loudly because of the sudden disappearance of her warm lips.
Iseul's instantly rubs her eyes, to clear her blur vision while shaking hard, she wipes her tears as she thinking he will let her go.
But her expectations crushed down, he dig his head on her neck.

Her nipples hardened when his warm lips touch her cold skin.
" So fvcking delicious! ", He husked sniffing the fresh smell of soap and rose fragrance powder.

He swirls his tongue over her soft delicate skin, causing her tremble hard, she sobs.
" I will stop here. ", He said while loosing the clutch around her wrist and lifting his head from her neck.

Iseul's eyes brightens, she instantly drift her gaze to the man, who is staring at her with softness.

" leave. ", He mumbled and leans closer to her forehead.

Iseul's ears turned red because of the cold temperature, but her soul liquefied when his warm lips touched her forehead.

He pecks her head.

" Good night, sleep tight! ", he whispered before jumping down on the another side of bed besides her.

Iseul instantly collects her bag with trembling legs.
He looks at her with amusement in his eyes, as the girl is delicate as if she is flower, he tilts his head looking at her hands shaking.

" Fvck! No! ", Jimin whispered with his brows knitted and his bewildered eyes Hawking at the paper in his hand.

" he is back! ", Jimin whispered while gulping hard.
" he will ruin us! "


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