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43 | “ ʏᴏᴜ ʜᴀᴛᴇ ɪᴛ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ʏᴏᴜ ᴀʀᴇ ᴀᴛᴛʀᴀᴄᴛᴇᴅ. ”

|| ɴᴀʀʀᴀᴛᴏʀ’s ᴘᴏᴠ ||

Give me permission to make you mine... In every way..

Iseul’s pupil trembles, her lashes flutters harshly.

The strong tattooed inked arms around her, lost its grasp, a harsh shriek broke out from Jungkook’s lips, when the soft palms against his chest pushed him harshly making sure the arms lost the grasp.

Jungkook’s steps lost balance, because of the push, somehow the weight over his feet lightened and he didn't fell down.

A small chuckle made out way from his lips, his already fixed gaze on her eyes deepens.
What are we doing, sweetheart? I asked for simple permission?
He rasped fixing his suit over his body, while walking to decrease the little distance between them.

Iseul’s steps- her steps turns back and she ran inside the room.

Stepping inside the room, iseul’s steps thirst towards bed laying in the middle of the giant room-
But a horrific squeak broke out from her trembling lips, when a harsh force jerk her whole weight by grasping her right elbow.

Where are you running? Princess? ”, Jungkook chuckled pushing her against the hard wall, his left arm desperately wrapped around her waist, while his right hand cups her face.

Iseul’s hands fell on his chest, she hissed harshly.

you are attracted, iseul.. Aren't you? ”, Jungkook rasped optimistically, while his tattooed inked arms grasping her fragile waist in steel grasp, his face was near her face.
Blue against her delicate honey browns.

Iseul’s breathes were struggling inside her chest, it was difficult to breathes in his arms, not because of steel grasp but because of fear, fear of what if he acknowledge her teenage attraction towards him.
She wasn't in love but attracted, who won't?
He was Ruinously handsome and menacing attractive.

Are you scared, iseul? ”, her almond eyes instantly jerk hearing his heavy vocals. Her head immediately react at his words, she shakes her violently.

Liar, aren't we? ”, he hissed at her with teasing smile gleaming on his face.
She was absolutely looking Adorable in his gaze lying on his face and sulking after getting caught.

His fingers near her lips, advances towards her lips, his thumbs caresses her wet lips.

Her heart inside her chest, shuffles, she felt her stomach twisting and legs wobbling.
It wasn't right, he is married!

Her mind reminded to her heart, which isn't listening but letting taking possession of unknown man over her heart.

Don't you feel something when I touch you? ”, He husked near her lips, letting his breathes caressing her face, letting her mind and heart feel the pleasure of intense touch and breathes.

But the stubborn girl shakes her head at his words, their breathes shuffles intensely.

His perfect brows furrowed at her answer, it didn't satisfied him.

“ sleep! ”, His steel grasp around her delicate body losses.

Iseul’s lashes flutters when the grasp around her loosen.
Jungkook walks backward, removing the closeness between them.

-- -- -- -- -- --

Miss Iseul... Please sir will be fire us.. if you enter inside the private meeting room- ”, The gaurd john huffed politely to the lady standing infront him, but he was cut at the middle by her virgous shake.

Iseul’s eyes now were slightly teary, minutes has been passed she is begging them to let her inside the office, but the well built gaurds petroling the office room didn't let her.

since morning her heart is clenching, she is feeling suffocation, she is missing her brother, How he would be? why he didn't contacted her? why he didn't came to take her with him?there was storm of anxious thoughts inside her mind, those leads her heart to be clenched, she couldn't hold those anxious thoughts and her anxious steps leads to him, the demon she loathes, jungkook.

Iseul’s lashes flutters, she suck a long breathe, the sleeves reaching her till fingers through the sleeves she harshly wipes her tears.

Iseul look at the gaurds through her lashes, with her fingers she drew in air, motions her hands signing her words in her language.

john & bean, the gaurds petroling, passes gaze to each, gaze was filled with extreme confusion, they couldn't understand the sign.

a hopeless emotion appeared in her eyes, knowing that her signs are only understood by her brother and another person, whom she loathes.

bean swipes his gaze towards the iseul and softly spoke, “ Miss park.. sir has strictly warned us to not disturb the meeting its important for him... if we let you in.. he will be-

Iseul’s hands instantly push bean to the side, by pushing his arm harshly.
Bean’s legs tangled too because of sudden unknown act.

john instantly got alert, he push his hand towards iseul to hand her himself, but instantly pull his hand back.
No one is allowed to touch jeon’s girl.

Iseul’s fingers clutches the knob of the door, while throwing her gaze she densed her grasp, with one harsh and fast scroll the door got opened.


To Be Continue

author is sorry for her late updates, I won't make my readers wait who loves me alot 😆

𝗛𝗶𝘀 𝗙𝗮𝘃𝗼𝘂𝗿𝗶𝘁𝗲 𝗦𝗶𝗻 || J.JK Where stories live. Discover now