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44 | “ sʜᴏᴡ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ғɪɴɢᴇʀ ᴀɢᴀɪɴ! ”

gun-hee street would be the last point of our mission, the drugs would be adopted from there, European officers would be gaurding the hiro-u bridge.. we are going to cross from there.. ”, Jungkook said, sitting on the solely owned chair, with his frost emotioned eyes staring at the mission partners.

His dried silky hairs are perfectly combed back, with few strands falling on his face, covering his blue orbs, his body claded with perfectly coloured white silk shirt with few buttons undone, with sleeves rolled up till his elbow showing his thick masculine arms.

Aren't they gonna check our car? ”, Gun exporter, han je-yung spoke, sitting at the left side, four chairs away from him.

The interior of meeting room was elegant, each expensive thing possesed by the room speaks opulent, the walls were claded with black and white extravagant marbles, The giant chandelier at the middle of the white washed ceiling gleams with bright LED lights.

The huge rectangular table is laying on the middle of the room with a chairs surrounds.

They won't. ”, Jungkook mocked while drawing his back at the board of chair.

How? ”, The smuggler, Ben-Gur asked, his brows were slightly frown as the words of jungkook were confusing.

yes, its Impossible to buy their honesty with money. ”, Partner lee spoke with slightly flickered brows.

Jungkook’s lips turns upward, smirk appears on his lips.

fourteen clients including , partner, and best smugglers and dealer, everyone’s eyes swipes at the big screen of the meeting.

the map of europe flashed on the screen, everyone hissed when they understood how their king is thinking to spread his terror.

It-Its dangerous.. Hyung. ”, Soobin jumped, with his eyes widened.

Jungkook’s orbs turned blue, he pulled his leaned figure, and place his both elbow on the glass table, his ruinous frost orbs glares at the blonde boy with his jaw set, he probably not please with his feedback and the way he addresses him.

repeat, what you said a while?

The every single eyes were on soobin, Soobin instantly shallows down his saliva, it was mistake, he is habitat to call him hyung, why not? he is his brother, elder brother.

“ Bo-Boss its-its dangerous.. ”, Soobin mutters and drags his gaze on his lap, embrassed.

Better, soobin choi. back to the missio--  ”

jungkook’s husked vocalised speech halts in the mid, when the door slammed open.

Iseul’s hurriedly steps inside the room with her gaze back at the john & bean, gaurds who are yelling her name.

Her gaze swipes inside the room, her eyes recklessly started to find him ignoring the fact, that every eyes are upon her.
but her eyes were finding him, But she flinches hard when harsh steel grasp wraps around her arms, clutching her into dense grasp.

Is that Iseul, Hyung? ”, Soobin uttered with amazed filled orbs, looking at timid lady standing in elegant shirt, which is tugged inside her skin shipped jeans and Sleeveless brown cardigan above the shirt.

hearing her name, she instantly swipes her gaze towards the direction, but accidentally her gaze meet his.

honey brown against his lunatic mad blues.

her gaze went red, her jaw was set, her blood boiled looking at him, sitting casually with no emotion, but hidden amusement.

Leave her. ”, Jungkook snared at john and bean who are holding iseul’s arms in dense grasp, watching her in someone else’s grasp make his blood boiled.

sorry boss, miss Iseul tricked us. ” john and bean instantly left her arm while mumbling with her feared gaze.

she tricked you, john. ...impressive! ”, Iseul’s eyes went beside jungkook, the blonde boy sitting beside him staring at her with amusement.

Out! ”, Jungkook roared at the gaurds, which made iseul flinched harshly too along with well built gaurds.

John and bean left immediately, not before bowing down to their master.

Jungkook’s furious mad eyes turned towards iseul, who is glaring at him with same intense mad orbs.
He isn't pleased by her presence inside his meeting, in front of his partners and smugglers who are nothing but pathetic womanizer.

Meanwhile iseul’s eyes were furiously staring at his, while her soul was drenched with terrible fear, when she heard by john that jungkook is doing important meeting she felt her body jolted with anger, after ruining her peace and her mind who he could casually do meeting.
Her eyes turn furiously dark, the desire to ruin his some important meeting avoke her nerves, she just wanted to ruin the meeting at that time, but

Now after barging inside the room, meeting his gaze, her bold thoughts & desire to ruin his meeting drained.

What you want, Sweetheart? ”, he verbalized in  stern tone, still maintaining the smoothness in his stern tone, as he doesn't desire to disrespect her in front of other by shouting or giving her cold shoulder.

Soobin and included his clients instantly swipes their gaze towards their boss, they were surely bolted, the vocals of their boss was unfamiliar, everyone posses the knowledge about him, he was never seen polite, but wicked.

Iseul’s heart was already burning, but now hearing his calm assertive vocals turn her fire vicious.

love? ”, He again said, raising his brows in soft manner as if he is dealing with an kid, and earned some other menacingly suprising gazes.

Iseul instantly drew lines and signs, moving her fingers and hands, conveying him that she wants to go to her brother... So let her go.

Go to the room and we will talk about it at night... Is that clear? ”, He uttered, with his eyes burning with rage, he wasn't surely pleased.

Iseul immediately shakes her head ignoring how his gaze is piercing into her soul.
She again drew something in air, motioning her hands conveying him that she will run away from him.
Her eyes were now filled with tears.

Meeting will continue in few minutes, i guess i have handle some matters.

Iseul blood boiled instantly at his tone, handle?
She wasn't mad woman, whom he needs to handle.
She instantly turn her heels towards his seats.

While he stares at her every emotion & every action calmly, he could learn she was furious by his words.

Soobin & clients present, were stunned & unutterable, their eyes were bewildered.

Stepping infront of with distance, iseul halted.

Iseul instantly turned her fist into hard rock and  lifting her hands she showed her middle finger.

Audible gasp were heard, soobin instantly buried down his face into his palm at her bold action.
It wasn't bold but worst.
She shouldn't have done this.


-ᴛᴏ ʙᴇ ᴄᴏɴᴛɪɴᴜᴇ-

I guess this series will end at 60 episode 😶

Sad or happy ending?
Lets see 👀

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