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i thought that my dad would've gone for someone who was his age, his type

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i thought that my dad would've gone for someone who was his age, his type. my new stepmother is 35 years old! my father is 52 years old.

it's funny how women will settle for anything nowadays.

is it because of the money?

my father's net worth is like 50million dollars and all I see nowadays is women throwing themselves at him. he would flaunt his money by wearing gold jewelry, made from real gold, wearing designer clothes, driving top tier cars, crisp cars and living in a big ass mansion that cost him 20 million dollars.

in all honesty, i don't see why women are in it for money. it's just useless. go for love, guys.

im swaying off topic—

"dad, she's 35. you're 52. are you sure she's not in it for the money?"

"im pretty sure, sweetie. she's a multi-millionaire herself. she owns one of the largest lingerie businesses out there."

"and it's not a business proposal either?"

"no, mira." dad said and spun to look at me in his chair, "she is the owner of women's secret. pretty sure you know that business because you seem to wear her clothes a lot."

i nodded fastly.

felony williams is someone who i look up to.

from her interviews and tv shows, i can tell she's a very cocky woman and nothing stops her from getting what she wants.

she has both men and women bowing at her feet.

when she's on the red carpet, mm, the love she receives.

i always wanted to meet her.

faith seemed to have answered my prayers when it made her my stepmother.

imagine, im going to live with her!

felony williams is my stepmother!

oh shit.

"dad, you know—"

"yes, i do know, even if i don't know what you're going to say. we've been dating for 4 years now and there's nothing that is going to change that, sweets."

4 years!? and im just being notified when they're about to get married and move in with each other?

fucking torture.

i could care less about some woman wanting to take the mother position but it's the fact that i don't even know her and im going to meet her five months before the marriage.

i sighed and left my father's office and went to my room.

ugh, how nice.

lovely even.

i took out my phone from my pocket and called my friend, ann-marie. i've known her for more years than i can count on my fingers. she's been there for me when i need someone the most and she isn't very judgemental. she's open to many things and that's one of the many reasons why i love her.

after the 5th ring, marie answered.

"i have news, tea, drama, gossip, dirtttt. it's going high," i said and she gasped, giving me her full attention.

"what happened? what dirt did you find out?"

"well i have a step-mother—"

"finally! it's so sad seeing your dad mop around in his money with no one to share it with. i mean i volunteered..."

"you're 21, younger than i am so no."  i deadpanned.

ann-marie laughed.

"and how old is your step-mother?" your father has a thing for women in their 30s."

"she's 35, that's like 17 years younger than my father," i shrieked and marie laughed, "it's not funny!"

"have you met her?"

"no, but i know who she is. you won't believe."

"oh, enlighten me," ann-marie said and i cleared my throat.

"it's felony, felony williams. the owner of women's secret."

there was a moment of silence.

"you sure know how to lie good, damn." marie laughed and i snarled.

"im being serious, marie."

she stopped laughing and looked at me dead in the eyes.

"they're getting married in 5 months and we're going to stay with her for those 5 months and then she officially moves in with my father." i said all in one breath.


"yes, oh. and within less than an hour im seeing her and i don't know how to act, how to dress, nothing at all. i've looked up to that woman since i was 17 and now she's my stepmother. what am i supposed to do." i asked her, hoping that she'll provide me with some good information.

"okay, okay," marie took a breath, "don't wear her stuff. it'll seem like you're only wearing it because you're meeting her. wear something that's from victoria's secret or something, i don't know. but not hers or your father's."

i nodded.

"for the shoes, go with slippers. it'll make you look less like you're dressing up to her liking. wear no makeup, let her see you natural. if you wear makeup then you'll come off as stuck up, rich and spoiled. well, it depends on how much you cake your face."

i nodded again.

"oh and put the hair down. let your hair breath and flow. it gives off 'daddy's girl' vibes and it would portray you as someone who listens, even though you're anything but that. only speak when spoken to, insert your dominance here and there but partially. don't over do it even though you're a major bottom and doesn't even know how to show dominance a bit."

"oh, fuck you."

marie laughed, "that's basically the basics. you're good to go if you listen to me. remember no makeup, go natural, wear slippers and be neutral about it. ask her about herself and whatnot."

i looked at the time and then i thanked marie.

she's my lifesaver.

without her, i'd die.

"i love you, bye." i blew a kiss on the phone and she gives me a cheeky smile.

"i love you more, stay safe."

"thank youuuu."

i hung up and went to the bathroom and stripped from my clothes to take a quick shower.

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