your beauty captures my attention

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waking up to miracle in my arms was one thing but waking up to her being naked was another

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waking up to miracle in my arms was one thing but waking up to her being naked was another. 

another thing is not waking up to her in my arms.

i felt around the bed for her but didn't feel her. my eyes fluttered open and i groaned as i turned to look at the clock. 

7:43 a.m.

i didn't have to go in for work today.

i got up from bed and throw on the robe that miracle left out for me on the bedside table. i went downstairs where the smell of eggs greeted me. i entered the kitchen and saw mira around the stove with a spatula in her hand, flipping eggs and i smiled.

she's just so beautiful.

her brown hair was put in a messy bun held up by a clawclip, the tattoo on her neck outstanding. she's wearing a pajama shorts that was no longer than her legs and a cropped top that matches the shorts. my eyes landed on her back dermals and i could only imagine having her bent over while fucking her senseless. the slight ink of the snake that trails down her thigh came in my eyesight and i bit my lips. 

my dick twitches as thoughts ran through my mind about my angel. i took a deep breath through my mouth and walked towards her. my arms snaked around her waist and she jumped sightly.

"good morning, my love."

"good morning," she greeted and i smiled and rest my chin on her shoulder.

"what's for breakfast?" i asked.

"egg sandwich." 

i hummed and watched as she placed the egg in the plate that was near the stove and turned it off. mira turned in my arms and pecked my lips and walked out of my grip. she opened the cupboard and took out the bag of bread and took out six slices and placed them each on separate plates and started making the sandwiches to perfection. 

the way she moves around in the kitchen has me smiling widely.

she could be my wife.

man, why didn't i meet her before her father?

i mean it can still happen after i leave her father but damn.

mira handed me a plate and a cup of coffee and told me that she'd be back. she left with a tray that has ann-marie's breakfast on it and then came back a few minutes later without the tray and started eating her breakfast, too. 

we ate in silence and all i could do was stare like a creep.

it was not creepy, i was just admiring - admiring a creation made, a beautiful creation. 

"why are you staring so hard?" mira giggled and placed her hand in front of my vision, snapping me out of my daze.

"hmm?" i asked before i could process the question, "i'm admiring how beautiful you are, angel." i said and she started blushing profusely. 

"stop," she pouted and i smiled at her cute reaction.

"i'm being serious though, my love. you're just so pretty," i cupped her cheek and made her look at me, "i could think about you and your beauty all day and not get tired." 

her brown eyes were captivated with mine and i resisted the urge to capture her lips with mine because i wouldn't be able to stop myself from having my way with her.

her lips parted and closed, not knowing what to say but she didn't have to say anything.

i rubbed my thumb over her lip, brushing off the breadcrumb that stayed and mira's tongue darted out to damp her lips. 

i'm falling for david's daughter and i'm not ashamed to admit it. 

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