bad girls get punished

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i huffed as i grabbed my vibrator and checked the battery

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i huffed as i grabbed my vibrator and checked the battery. it was full, good. i pulled down the panties that i was wearing and kicked them aside.

i turned on the vibrator and placed it on my clit, letting out a satisfied moan at the feeling.

i thought of felony.

she could get me wet.

i thought back to the last time we did anything sexual. the way she speaks to me, the way she looks at me when im sucking her dick is one i can't forget. the way she moans whenever im deep-throating her is music to my ears.

i brought two of my fingers to my mouth and sucked on them until i was satisfied at how salivious they are. i brought them down to my entrance and plunged them inside my walls.

i whimpered and increased the spread of the vibrator to maximum and started pumping my fingers faster.

"take it like a good girl." i imagined her saying to me. i moaned out loudly as i thought of felony's fingers in me instead, her thick fingers.

"that's it, baby." she cooed and i closed my eyes as i let my mind wander further.

it didn't take me long before my orgasm started nearing.

"fuckk," i moaned as i curled my fingers.

i wish this vibrator could go faster. felony's tongue would, her fingers would once she knows im near.

i felt the vibrator being removed from my hand and my eyes flew open as felony stood over me. she leaned down and replaced the vibrator with her thumb as she circled my clit.

a loud moan came from my throat as i came. my eyes fluttered shut as i enjoyed the feeling of bliss and she slowed down her thumb.

she removed my fingers from my walls and brought them up her mouth.

i thought she said bad girls didn't get touched?

she licked my cum off of my fingers and hummed pleasingly. she sat down on the bed, motioning for me to come to her.

i did.

"lay down over my lap."

my eyes widened.

i knew what she meant.

i shook my head quickly and felony gave me a glare that made me whimper.

"i wasn't asking. i was telling you."

no, why did i—

i lied down over her lap and felony rubbed my butt.

"i know you know what comes next so im gonna need you to count and apologize." she instructs and i nodded, "and address me as 'ma'am'."

"yes, ma'am." was all i could muster.

her palm flattened on my butt and i counted.

"one, ma'am. im sorry."


"two, ma'am. im sorry."


"theee, m-ma'am. im sorry."

another one.

with each time her hand came down on my skin, it came down harder and harder and harder. the painful sensation that tingled on my ass turned me on but it also made me want to get up and run.

i was having mixed emotions.

"f-five, ma'am. im sorry." i started tearing up as i feel like i couldn't go any further.

how much more?

at seven slaps, i started crying.

at eleven slaps, i was sobbing.

at fourteen, i could hardly get the words out.

at seventeen, i was seeing stars.

at twenty, i forgot the script. i was on factory reset.

felony removed her hand from my ass and the cold air against my bruised flesh made me shiver.

"did you learn your lesson, my beautiful girl?"

i nodded shakily.

"yes, ma'am."

"good," she tutted, "im proud of you."

despite her just making me cry for ten minutes straight, i couldn't be mad at her. her praise made my pussy tingle and i could feel the need for a release.


"yes, mira?"

i hesitated before asking, "can you touch me, please?"

it was silent before she chuckled, "what did i tell you before?"

i pouted as her words repeated in my mind.

"bad girls don't get touched."

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