who lies

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georgia smiled when she saw me and i sat down beside her, sliding the gun between us

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georgia smiled when she saw me and i sat down beside her, sliding the gun between us. i rested my hand on it and looked towards the lights that hovered over us.

"what is this?" she asked me hesitantly.

"start talking."

georgia gives me a confused glance and i turned to look at her.

"give me your phone, georgia."

she handed me her phone and i glared at her.

"open it." she pressed her thumb against the middle button and it opened. i went to her call logs and searched for the names – marcus, marie and hilda.

marcus and marie's name never came up.

i went to messages and checked her and hilda's chat but it was just normal. their last messages stated that hilda was coming to see me and that was the day when she came to the hotel. their last call was on that day too.

i went into her gallery and searched for images of miracle and i but found none.

i was growing frustrated.

was i being lied to?

"what are you looking for?" georgia asked and i tightened my grip on the gun. i went to her trash and locked images but found nothing.

"felony, what's going on?"

i shoved her phone in her chest and got up from where i was seated and walked back to my car. i got in, not even bother telling her goodbye.


"get out," i gritted to charles and pulled the sleeves up on my shirt, "get me a clean copy of his face and every information you can find on him. now."

he left the room, wiping the blood off his hands in his pants and i walked to marcus.

i grabbed him by his chest.

"how dare you lie to me?" i snarled and he gives me a twisted smile, showing a few missing teeth that charles must've gotten rid of, "you think i would just go to georgia and start throwing shots?"

'marcus' grinned.

"what i hoped for," he spat out the blood that was pooling in his mouth.

blood was trailing down his head and bruises loitered over his skin. he was bloody.

"who. is. it?" i gritted.

"i already told you, pick, choose, refuse." he said, "so far, you've picked now choose and refuse, felony. tick, tock."

i didn't waste anytime removing the gun from my waistband and pulling the trigger, placing a bullet between his eyes. his blood splashed all over my clothes and face but i didn't care.

tomorrow, i'd get to the bottom of this.


i closed the door and richard pointed the gun at me, high alert. he lowered the gun when he saw who it was and lets out a breath.

"boss," he said.

"anything?" i asked and he nodded.

"not too long before you drove in, there was a figure moving at the front. i went to check but i didn't see anyone, entering or trying to sneak in. the camera must've picked up something."

i nodded.

"i'll send a few thousands on your tab. you can go now," i said and he nodded and i went upstairs and to my room. she wasn't in there. i went to check my her room and saw miracle and... ann-marie?

"miracle, come here to me." i said as i kept my eyes on ann-marie. their heads snapped to me and the laughter died down.


"now," i said and she looked at marie and got up from the bed. she walked towards me, unaware of what's happening and i pecked her forehead.

"is everything okay? what'd the guy say?" she asked in worry.

"i'll talk to you, princess. i'll tell you everything, for now, go to my room."

"what?" miracle frowned, "can't you see i'm with marie?"

i sighed.

this isn't the time to be stubborn, love.

i kept my eyes on marie as i guided mira towards me.

"marie is one of the suspects that i think is behind the images, baby." i muttered and miracle's eyes widened.

"how could you-" she shook her head and scoffed, "she's my best friend," mira turned to marie and walked towards her, "you wouldn't threaten me and take pictures of me, right, marie?"

marie stood up and approached miracle. before i could blink, she grabbed miracle and held a knife to her neck. miracle gasped.

"take another step and i'll slit her throat."


y'all can just say updates are gonna wreck this shit lmao

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