make it up

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i sighed in content as i lowered myself in the water

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i sighed in content as i lowered myself in the water. the people that were in the pool were already gone so it was just me.

a few minutes later, felony came down and she sat beside me in the water. she held me in her arms and made me stand up so that i was facing her.

"im sorry."

i didn't say anything as she speaks.

"im sorry that i spoke so freely about georgia when i have a girlfriend. it's very clear that you're angry at me and i have no excuses as to why i didn't introduce you as my girlfriend. i know it was the wrong move and the wrong thing to say." she sounded sincere but she needed more than that to make me forgive her, "am i forgiven, baby?"

i shook my head.

"you need to do more than that. a small speech of apology won't do anything."

"then let me make it up to you," felony mumbled and her eyes flicked down to my lips. she leaned down and pecked my lips, "please, princess."

she pecked my lips again and i nodded.

felony kissed me, the kiss was soft and filled with emotions. i wrapped my arms around her neck and she placed her hands on my ass under the water. her finger trailed between my legs and shifted my underwear to the side where she started to rub me. i lifted my legs and wrapped them around her waist so that she had more access.

i moaned into the kiss and felony used that as an advantage to shove her skillful tongue inside my mouth. our tongues clashed against one another, not fighting for dominance but to be equal.

felony kept rubbing my pussy, sending pleasurable waves through my body. she walked to the edge of the pool and lifted me out of the water, removing our lips from each other.

she raised my legs, bending them so that they were spread my legs. she pulled the sides of the underwear and removed it from my core, uncovering it.

felony pulled me down closer to the edge so that she could get a taste of me.

"you have to be quiet, baby. you wouldn't want our neighbors to hear you." felony said before she leaned down to my core.

fel leaned forward and latched her lips onto my clit, sending waves of pleasure into my core. i threw my head back as a moan threatened to slip from my lips.

one thing i knew, i am a noisy person when im getting pleasured. i couldn't contain my moans for i need to vocalize how i am feeling and right now, felony is making me feel amazing.

i placed my hand over my mouth to contain my moans as she used her mouth to pleasure me. she hummed against my pussy as she ate me out, licking around my entrance, teasing me.

she slipped her tongue inside of me and started tongue fucking me. my hips rose against her face, riding it to bring myself more pleasure.

felony spread my legs even wider than they were before and devoured my lips like it was her first meal of the day.

she groaned and i could feel my orgasm nearing.

she removed her tongue from my pussy and licked up and down my slit, humming along as she did so.

"yes, yes, yes," i whimpered, "just like that." she circled her tongue on my clit numerous times, nipping it to bring me closer to my orgasm.

i feel the knot undoing in my stomach as i cum. felony brought her tongue back down to my entrance licking me up clean. i lowered my hips onto the ground as i rode out my orgasm.

felony sucked on my clit before she pulled back, licking off my juices that coated her lips.

"god, you taste heavenly." felony said and i lowered my legs into the water and leaned down to kiss her, tasting myself against her lips.

"you're forgiven but don't make it happen again," my voice hardened at the end, "you're mine. i don't care who you've had before me but you're mine now and not theirs." i snapped.

felony nodded, gulping as she did.

i took up my underwear from beside me and lifted my hips and tied it around me once more like it previously was.

i lowered myself into the water and looked up at felony as my hand grabbed her dick.

"this dick is mine. got it?"

felony nodded.


i smiled in satisfaction and let go off her hard length and splashed her with the water.

i pushed myself away from her, giggling as i did so and kept splashing her.

"hey!" felony protested and swam after me as i swam to the other end of the pool, the deep part.

i giggled as i swam away from her, trying to avoid getting splashed.

this is the life i want.

no threats, no jealousy.

just peace.

but unfortunately that was impossible.

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