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this book is so long😔 this is the the 48th chapter, curvy was only 43 but it wasn't this drawn out smh

also grabeth your holy water💕

the next day i woke up in felony's arms

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the next day i woke up in felony's arms. she didn't worry going to marie, wherever tiffany had her, but she stayed with me.

she stirred and i pushed myself into her body more. felony squeezed my waist slightly and pushed her hand underneath her shirt that i was wearing.

i pecked her neck and nipped at it. i didn't stop until i left a few hickeys on her neck. she didn't stop me but i could tell she wanted to touch me. her raging boner pressed against my thigh and i smiled slightly when she moaned.

i started moving my hips against her dick, biting my lip. felony lets out soft moans as her dick gained friction.

"i want to touch you, baby."

i didn't say anything as i kept grinding against her.

i got up from her arms and left the bed and walked to the bathroom.

"miracle," felony groaned from the bedroom and i laughed.

i picked up the toothbrush and toothpaste and started brushing my teeth. felony came into the bathroom as i was rinsing my mouth with listerine and she grabbed me, pulling me against her body.

i gasped and she groped one of my breasts.

she looked at me through the mirror and placed her lips on my neck.

"i am going to get you back for what you did, miracle." she muttered and kept squeezing my breast. she dropped her hand down to my crotch and cupped my pussy.

felony used her fingers and rubbed my covered mound. i subconsciously spread my legs wider so that she had more access to me.

"and you're going to be begging me to fuck you."

she pulled back and stripped from her clothes and went to the shower. i stood in front of the sink as i processed what just happened.

this little—

"it wasn't that deep!" i called out to her as she entered the shower. she ignored me and turned on the shower.

i huffed and left the bathroom and went to the closet to get dressed in something more casual to wear around people — arielle and tiffany.


"im going in today for work," felony said as she came downstairs with her bag, already dressed for work. she took up my sandwich and took a bite from it and pecked my lips.

i pouted and looked at her.

she's wearing a black dress shirt along with black slacks. the shirt was tucked in neatly and her jacket was thrown over her arm. the cuffs on the shirt were folded neatly. chains laid on her chest and her studs in her ears.

"come here, come here," i motioned for her to come to me and she did so. i folded her collar neatly so that the hickeys on her neck was showing and unbuttoned her two top buttons.

please fuck me.

i ran my hand over the fabric to make the lines smooth and looked up at her. felony looked down at me and shook her head with a smile on her face.

she placed her bag and jacket down and moved between my legs that i didn't know i spread. her fingers wrapped around my throat and i gasped as her grip tightened.

felony leaned down and placed her lips on mine in a rough kiss. her other hand went between my thighs and she placed her hand on my covered pussy.

"pull it down," she said and i pulled down my shorts and underwear a bit. she pushed her hand in them and rubbed my pussy.

"i don't even have to touch you for you to be wet for me," she whispered against my lips. i gasped when her two fingers slid inside me and my eyes fluttered shut for a brief moment, "you're adjusting to two so well."

i bit my lip as i tried containing my moans. for once, she didn't mind.

she curled her fingers inside of my walls and my back arched into her. her fingers kept pumping inside of me and they got faster the time went. before i knew it, the familiar knot was building up and i started to clench around her fingers.

"beg me for it." she gritted out.

a small cry came from my lips and i tried to form coherent words but i couldn't.

normally, i wouldn't have to beg.

normally, i wouldn't be such a tease.

"come on, baby. ask mama to cum," she urged and i whined. i couldn't.

it was too much.

"you want me to slow down so you can get your words out?"

i nodded and felony smirked.

"see, that's not how things work," she curled her fingers inside of me, hitting my g-spot numerous times and i could feel myself dripping cum, "beg or i stop."

"p-please can i cum, mama," i whimpered, "please, please, pl-please." i begged.

if her fingers stay inside of me another minute longer, im afraid im gonna have to disobey her.

"would you look at that! i am running late!"

she smirked as she spoke, removing her fingers from my drenched walls.

"i'll get back to you when i come home, princess." she went to peck my lips but i turned my head away from her.

how dare her!

felony licked off her fingers as she stared at me and grabbed her stuff. she patted my thighs and pecked my cheek good-bye.

i stared at the wall dumbfounded.

this is why you shouldn't be a tease, miracle.


we'll get to marie in a while, let's just have sex atm🌚

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