the things i would do to you

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our moment was ruined by her giddy best friend whose footsteps we heard coming our way

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our moment was ruined by her giddy best friend whose footsteps we heard coming our way. mira cleared her throat and pulled away, her cheeks rosy. i chuckled, shaking my head and took up my plate and empty the coffee cup and rested them in the sink.

"im in here, marie!" miracle yelled out to her friend and ann-marie soon found her way in the kitchen.

"good morning, miss williams," she smiled at me and i returned the kind smile at her and finished up on the dishes, "do you mind if i...?" she trailed off as she rests the tray down.

"oh, no. go ahead. i'll finish washing them." ann-marie placed the dishes in the sink and i washed them out and i wiped off the tray and turned down the dishes before drying off my hand and turning to face miracle and ann-marie.

i motioned with my head that i'll be heading up to my room and mira nodded.

i left the space and went back up to my room to freshen up.

i decided to call david after i freshened up.

he answered on the 3rd missed call.

"yes, my love?"

"how are you?" i asked and he glanced at me.

"im doing pretty well, you?"

"i miss you." i lied.

"you'll see me... soon." he said, the both of us knowing that's now true, "how's my little girl doing?"

"she's alright," i said and he hummed.

"well i can't talk for long, felony."

"why, david?"

"you know how my work is," he sighed.

"you're an interior designer. there's no excuse to tell me that you cannot talk to me," i scoffed.

david sighed and rubbed his palms over his face, "look, i—"

"david, honey." a masculine voice said as the clicking of the door was heard, "i woke up and you weren't there. why are you working this early?"

i knocked on felony's room door and opened it after not getting an answer

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i knocked on felony's room door and opened it after not getting an answer. she was face down in the sheets with the pillow over her head.


she hummed - or groaned - and i told her that i was going out with ann-marie. she hummed once more. i became worried and rested my bag down and walked towards the bed. i sat down on the bed and removed the pillow from her head and she looked at me.

her eyes were bloodshot red like she was crying and she looked so stressed. i held out my arms towards her and she laid her head on my thigh and i ran my fingers through her hair.

"what's wrong?" i asked after a moment of silence.

felony was silent for a while and i was about to tell her that she didn't have to say anything but she beat me to it.

"david," she said, "we were on a call and he kept dismissing me and suddenly, a man comes in the room and he's all like 'honey, why aren't you in bed' and whatever. all he could do was look at me in the eyes and hung up. i knew he was cheating but actually having legit proof and live action makes me sad, miracle. i know not even being a better person and fucking his daughter but it still makes me feel... bamboozled, you know?" she explained and i nodded slowly.

a man?

who would've thought?

i didn't know what to say so i kept stroking her scalp.

"where does this leave you and my dad now?" i asked slowly and carefully.

"single, engagement done, relationship gone. he can go stick his dick in someone else's asshole." she snarled and i chuckled a bit.

"wasn't that how the se—"

she gives me a look and her eyes fell to my nipples. she sat up and squinted her eyes.

"you're going out like that?"

i nodded.

I'm wearing a blue cropped top with short ripped jeans shorts that was no longer than thigh length. i had a sweatshirt to throw over my body when i go out but it was in my room.

"do you like it?" i asked, suddenly feeling a bit shy under her gaze.

"gimme a spin, love."

i got up and did a twirl for her.

"shit," felony mumbled and rubbed her hands together as she licked her lips, "come here, come here."

i walked back towards the bed and felony climbed towards the edge of the bed and pulled me in her arms, wrapping her hands around my waist, letting her fingertips graze over on my butt.

"im killing anybody who looks at you today," her eyes zeroed on my chest and then down to my navel.

"you're so sexy," felony complimented, "i could have you right now on your back with your legs pressed to your ears." shitttt. is she trying to make me stay back?

my cheeks coated in red underneath her gaze and i looked at the plain sweatshirt that she was wearing. felony raised her hands to the top and flipped it up so that my breasts were in her view and she cupped my left breast, leaning forward and placing the nipple in her mouth.

i jerked at the feeling of her tongue pressing against my nipple, playing with the piercing. my eyes fluttered shut and i moved closer between her legs to her. she groped my other breast while rubbing her thumb over my nipple.

"fuck," i whimpered when she bit my nipple.

a tingling sensation went down my core and i crossed my legs discreetly.

felony moved to my other breast, leaving a trail of saliva on my previous breast. she sucked on the flash around my nipple, nipping and teasing the flesh, no doubt leaving hickeys. she took my nipple in her mouth and started sucking on it making me moan softly as she played with my hard, brown nub.

after a while, felony pulled back and kissed my stomach and moved downwards, stopping above the jeans. she bit my skin, making me whimper.

that felt good.

"the things i would do to you right now, miracle."

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