new surroundings, new house

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march 3

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march 3

the other morning was pure torture. i could hardly leave the bed. i was tired. the entire night i stayed up and finished watching 'the mole'. it has 10 episodes and each of them was 42 minutes, if not more. i went to bed around 5 o'clock and now it's 6 something and im up. the good thing is that it is a completed series.

coffee always does the trick.

i headed to the kitchen and started brewing coffee for myself. i had to look about myself first and then i looked about others.

after the first sip of the coffee, i could feel my nerves calming down already and i even started to feel my energy regaining, slowly. i finished my cup of coffee in no more than five minutes.

i made coffee for felony and my dad and then started to make breakfast for us. i made scrambled eggs with bacon and toast, the simplest and less time consuming option right now.

my bed is calling me.

i heard footsteps approaching the kitchen and i turned and saw felony.

"good morning," she greeted, her voice coming off raspy.

i smiled at he and motioned towards the plate that i just shared, "good morning, felony."

she's in a burgundy silk robe, that i bet belonged to my father because she didn't bring any suitcases with her or maybe she had clothes here already?

she moved towards the food and took it up and took a bite of the toast. she chewed the food thoroughly before taking a sip of the coffee.

"how'd you sleep?" i asked her.

"pretty well, you?"

"didn't really get any." i shrugged.

felony's brows raised.

"how comes?"

"stayed up watching movies."

"that's bad for your health."

"i always do it and i never had a problem before." i said and pointed my coffee cup at her.

felony raised her brows but didn't say anything.

"do you have any children?" i asked her.

"i can't have children." she responded and i felt bad for asking.

"oh, im sorry for asking."

she shrugged, "it's alright."

i hummed and finished up my breakfast.

"when you're going up to his room, can you bring this up for him?" i pointed to the breakfast.

felony nodded and i thanked her and washed up my plate.

before leaving the kitchen, a last minute question came to my mind.

"what time are we leaving?"

"any time your father sees fit."


it was 3 in the evening and we're now leaving to go to her house. i have seven suitcases packed. who knows what will happen? a lot can happen in five months. i feel like on this stay at her house, there'll be a lot of adventures and a lot of outdoor events so i brought extra clothes.

i loaded all my suitcases into my car and dad and felony drove out of the garage and through the main gate. i followed behind them, making sure to stay hot on their trail.

felony was the driver and she seems like she drives fast. she's driving a suv and so am i, both black vehicles.

the drive was about two-three hours long to get to her house. when we got there, i was surprised.

her house is so huge!

the great felony williams!

i mean it wasn't a surprise.

her net worth is almost 1billion dollars so it isn't a surprise if she lives in a hugeee house. there's a pool out by the front, well cut grass, and a fountain on the left side to the lawn. there are orange trees and apple trees on both of side of the driveways. the house was like 3x the size of my house.

to top it off, she lives alone!

i learnt that when i was with her today and asked her some more questions over lunch.

felony led the car to the garage and i followed behind her, parking in the spot next to hers. i got out of my car and looked at all the 10 different cars that were parked in the garage.

fucking hell!

they're all of different colors and different sizes, all of them shiny and reflective.

"that was my same exact reaction." dad chuckled when he came out of the car.

"do you own all of these?" i asked felony and she hummed.

"yes i do."

that is so cool and such a girl boss move.

"and you've driven every one of these before?"

"yes, i have. "

i've only seen three of these cars and they were only when paparazzi were taking photos of her.

"we'll come back for the suitcases later after you're settled in," felony announced and i nodded as we walked towards the door that led us to the inside of her house.

jaw dropped, eyes wide.


i mean they're in my house too, but these ones were big and shimmering and so pretty, diamonds and all.

ooh, dad should definitely upgrade his stuff.

the interior of her house is a beige color and there's a big flat screen smart tv that stood on the wall. it was obvious that it was one of the stands that rotate, because i could see the slightest glimpse of a portrait behind it.

there are many different hallways that lead to all sorts of stuff.

surprised is an understatement.

i was speechless.

"okay, im going to give you a tour of the major basics here and then we can leave the rest for another day," my stepmother spoke up and i nodded, still not looking at her.

i heard lips smacking and that's when i looked around.

"can you guys not do that when im around?" i scowled and they smiled.

"we apologize, darling." felony said and my stomach did a somersault at the nickname and i hummed, ignoring the feeling in my stomach, "alright. let's go!" she clasped her hands together and her heels clicked on the tiles as she walked away from me.

i followed behind her as she pointed to a wall that led to... somewhere.

"that leads to the kitchen," she said, still pointing in that direction, "that leads to the game room, theatre room and inside pool." she then pointed to the other side of wall.

i nodded, taking note of every little room.

"there's a pool on every floor so don't be surprised when you hear me saying that 5 times throughout the tour." i hummed.

"will also take note of that."

five inside pools? that's crazy.

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