bad girls don't get touched

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two weeks later

two weeks later

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chef's kiss. that's how things have been.

felony has been so kind and everything was going great.

"felony, leave me alone." i groaned as i tried to mix the macaroni with the cheese. she pulled me into her body and left a few sloppy kisses on my neck.

"how do you expect me to, when you're wearing only underwear and a bra cooking for me?" she muttered in my ear and she groped my breasts.

i burned her hand with the hot fork and she hissed and dropped them from my breasts.

"now shoo." i fanned her off, "im cooking."

she groaned and i laughed at her antics.

"if i didn't know better, i'd say you were pussy whipped and we haven't fucked as yet, fel."

"damn right." she said and slapped my ass making me yelp.

"what if the pot had burned me?" i said in a shocked voice.

"i didn't smack you that hard."

"yes you did! my weight even shifted from one foot to the other." i defended.

in all honesty, she didn't but i like when she asks me to forgive her. just for the fun of it.

felony rolled her eyes and pulled me to her, away from the stove and gave my bum a really harsh smack.

i cried out and my legs buckled but she held me up.

"that, you can say was painful and i actually moved your weight," she pecked my lips, "now get moving."

i pouted, for my ass stings like a bitch.

i huffed and pulled myself out of her arms and grabbed two plates and shared our food – rice and peas with stew chicken, sided with mac and cheese and vegetables. i went to the fridge and poured us some orange juice and i served her her meal and felony stared at me.

i took up my meal and sat on the further stool away from her.

i could feel her eyes on me but i didn't say anything as i jabbed the mac and cheese with the fork and shoved it in my mouth.

"what?" i asked her and she smiled at me, shaking her head.

she mumbled something like 'im letting this slide' or whatever.

i rolled my eyes at her and she squinted at me.

"don't push your luck."


i may or may not have been acting like a brat the entire day.

felony has been noticing and getting aggravated but she didn't do anything, just simply ignored me by doing work.

i knew i was getting on her last nerve and that was what i wanted. i wanted her to put me in my place. i wanted to test her.

i decided to hit the nail on the head for the last time and went to her office and bothered her.

i walked behind her chair and wrapped my arms around her shoulders and peeped down at what she was doing.


"boring," i muttered and she hummed.

"very, but it's important."

"how so? you're a brand owner."

"yes but still, i have to sign contracts, go over letters that are sent to me, create my daily schedule, sign my models in, sign out deliveries, purchases and a whole lot of things."

i pouted.

"i want your attention on me."

felony chuckled and signed the paper that was in front of her, "oh, i realized."

i huffed and got up from her shoulder and pulled her chair back and walked around and straddled her lap. felony raised her eyebrows and i brought my hand to the buttons on her dress shirt that i was wearing and pulled them, revealing the lingerie underneath.

"getting my attention by seducing me," felony muttered as she looked at my body.

"is it working?" i asked in a sultry voice.

she didn't respond as i shrugged the shirt off of my body.

the lingerie barely covered anything. it was a sheer black lingerie. the top only had parts that covered the nipples and the bottom was pure mesh, no little fabric to cover anything.

"get up." felony said and i could feel her length pressing against my thighs.

i did as told and felony's hands trailed down my thighs and i bit my lip.

she took up the dress shirt and handed it to me.

"put it on and get out."

i stared at her dumbfounded and she looked at me from where she sits.

"did you really think i would please you?" she laughed, "bad girls don't get touched, miracle."


"now, shoo," felony smirked, "im working."


using her own words against her is wilddd asl

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