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a week has passed since everything and i couldn't have felt more at peace

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a week has passed since everything and i couldn't have felt more at peace. marie was gone, social media knew about felony and i and i wasnt angry. there was some judgement about how i stole my father's fiance but they didn't know the story behind it so i didn't let it get to me.

as promised, felony took me to hawaii.

the five of us traveled on her private jet and honestly, it was one of the best feelings — other than the fact that i joined the mile high club.

it's not like i've never been on a private jet before but when i have someone to talk to and they're not buried in work, it's way better plus i had company.

i hummed in contentment as the sun glared down at my skin. i laid on one of the many lounge chairs. i felt a shadow over me and i scowled.

without opening my eyes, i knew it was arielle.

"girl, we boutta go eat and felony's at everybody's head. she needs you out by the car," arielle said and i nodded. i got up and we started walking towards the car.

some men whistled as they came in front of us. i squinted my eyes at them and they gave us a one-over.

"damn you ladies look beautiful."

"thank you," i said politely, "but we really have to get going and we're not interested."

we tried to walk around them but they came in our way once again.

"chill out, ladies." the one in front of arielle said, "we just wanna talk."

"and they don't. so fuck off and get out of the fucking way."

why is her mouth so dirty?

felony placed her hand around my waist and scowled at the boys. they held their hands up and walked away.

i turned to look at her and saw her scowling at the boys retreating figures.

i pecked her cheek.

we head back to her car and arielle went over to tiffany's.

i saw brittany and my jaw dropped slightly.

she was throwing it back on a brunette man to twerk by city girls and cardi b. the man placed his hand on her back and she rotated her hips, pulling her hair to one side.

i laughed at her wasted self and shook my head.

tiffany called out to her twin and she looked at her and grinned. she stood up and whispered something to the man before jogging over to us.

"we're gonna get something to eat," felony said as she leaned on the car, folding her arms.

my eyes fell to the toned stomach and i swear i could never get used to seeing her defined abs.

"where are we going?" she asked as she grabbed her towel from on top of the car and wrapped it around her.

"we're just going to get some fast food from a stand on the side." i said and brittany nodded and felony opened the car door for me.

i got in but not before she smacked my ass.

i laughed and she closed the door and went around to her side and got in. i saw arielle and the twins doing the same thing and we drove off.

we hit the main road and i connected my phone to s
felony's bluetooth.

her - damage started playing and i bobbed my head to the song, humming along.

"i brought the stuff with me," felony said out of the blue, "and i wanted to try them out with you." her voice got lower as she spoke and i realized that she was blushing.


as adorable as she looks, i had no idea what she was talking about.

"what are you talking about?" i asked.

"the toys," she said quickly and i smiled widely.

"of course." i said, "im willing to try out anything with you because i love you."

felony smiled at me.

"i love you, too."


my back touched the sheets as she got between my legs, our lips connected in an emotional kiss. felony's hands went around my back and she untied the strings to the bikini top. i wrapped my legs around her waist, feeling her dick press onto me.

felony removed the top from my breasts and she cupped my left, rubbing her thumb over my nipple. i moaned in her mouth and her tongue slide against mine, sending pleasurable sparks in my body. she started to suck on my tongue as she teased my tongue with hers. she pulled back from the kiss and licked down my jaw and to my neck.

felony ground her hips against mine and i closed my eyes in pleasure.

everything felt so good.

she moved to my other breast, playing with my hard bud as she sucked on my neck. my hands tugged at the sports bra she wore and i pulled it up. felony got upright and took off the sports bra.

she leaned back down and i wrapped my arms around her back, feeling her skin directly on mine.

"get naked for me, baby." she instructed, "im going to grab the toys and be back."

i nodded and dropped my legs from her waist. she got up and opened her suitcase and took out the black bag as i took off my shorts and the matching underwear to the top she previously took off of me.

"move up towards the head of the bed," felony said and i did as told.

she walked towards me with the cuffs and flipped it on one of her fingers.

"what's your safe word?"


"safe sign?"

i thought of something that i could remember easily but couldn't think of anything.

"how about we try four snaps?"

i nodded.

"can you remember that?"

i nodded and felony narrowed her eyes at me.

"don't let me redden your ass before i pleasure you, mira."

my cheeks got dark and i looked away shyly.

"yes, ma'am."

"good girl."

she pecked my forehead and held up my wrist above my head and snapped one side of the cuffs on my wrist and then did the same for the other.

"move your hand around."

i did as told and felony adjusted them.

"not too tight?"

"no, ma'am."

felony hummed and she laid out all of the toys on the bed. she climbed up between my legs and i looked up at her dominating figure.

she leaned down and pressed her lips to my stomach.

let the night of bliss begin.


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