c-ckblocking marie

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"this is the fifth time your friend is cock-blocking me

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"this is the fifth time your friend is cock-blocking me. tell her to go away," felony whined and i laughed, pulling down my shirt and getting up from her lap.

"baby, chill. she just wants to talk with me." i said and felony pouted.

i looked down at her friend that grew whilst i was grinding on her and blushed. i moved towards the door and opened it, closing it after i exited.

"whats up?" i asked her and she smirked knowingly, "ugh, i hate you."

marie laughed and we walked down the hall and to my room.

"i actually didn't want anything, just cock-blocking." she smirked.

"oh, fuck off." i whined and she grinned.

"let's go clubbing." she suddenly suggested and i looked at her with furrowed brows.


"yes, definitely. we need to get some of that sexual tension out the air." ann-marie did a little dance and i shook my head.

"you do realize im with felony, right?"

"is there a label?"

"no but—"

marie cuts me off by saying, "but nothing. you can do whatever you want."

"people like aren't loyal in the talking stage. i'm not going to get a one-night stand but i'll come clubbing with you."

"yay and nay." marie deadpanned and i shrugged, folding my arms.

"im not going to get nasty with nobody but felony and you know how i feel about her already."

"mhm, i was just messing around."

i give my best friend a knowing look and sigh.

"I'm going back to get my coochie ate, meanwhile you can watch tv or do something productive. there's a pool outside, you know the drill." i clicked her off with two fingers and marie hummed.

"ditching me for some head is crazy."

"technically, i am but you've had me for the entire two days. it's felony time." i said and marie hummed, tracing patterns on my sheets.

"you're being unfair right now." i said to ann-marie and folded my arms.

"how? all im asking for is your attention, miracle and you're making it seem so hard." ann-marie said and i gaped at her.

"my attention? you get it. when she's at work, you get it. when she gets back home, you still get it. when i wake up, you get it. when felony is home, you get it. you get my attention, always. don't try to make me seem like the bad guy here when you're just being selfish." i snapped.

"selfish? wow, miracle. such words coming from someone who is about to ditch me for some sex."

i stared her down, not saying anything, wanting this pointless argument to end right here.

"dick, dick, dick. all about dick," she muttered, loud enough for me to hear.

i scoffed and walked out of the room, slamming the door to show her that i am mad and marched down to felony's room. i pushed open the door and slammed it, walking right into her bed, falling face down.

"why the hell are you slamming my door?" felony asked me as she entered the room.

i turned to face her and saw that she was coming from her closet and she saw my distressed face and pouted.

"what's wrong, love?"

"marie. she's being so selfish right now," i huffed, "she complains about how i don't give her enough attention and about how im ditching her for you, for head. all i did was make a joke about how im going to come back here to get my coochie ate and she took it to heart. oh my god!"

felony dropped the shirt that was in her hands and walked towards me. she sat on the bed and i crawled in her arms, laying my head on her lap.

"give her time to breeze off." felony said.

"she wants me to go clubbing with her."

"what did you say?"

"i said sure and then she said i should go out and have sex with someone."

"and you said?"

"that im going and its about time that i got knocked up," i rolled my eyes.

"about time indeed. need some of that attitude fucked out of you." felony said and raised an eyebrow.

i huffed and she placed her hand on my waist and used her thumb to rub circles on my skin.

"can i come?"

"in my mouth." i mumbled.

felony laughed and i smiled at her melodious laugh.

"that's an invitation i'd never turn down but i meant to the club, love."

"of course."

felony leaned down and pecked my forehead and stood up, making sure that my head didn't hit the bed too hard.

"what are you wearing?"

"i have no clue, probably something dark red."

felony hummed and went back to her closet to probably find something matching.

i smiled at her retreating figure and shook my head.

that woman is my happiness.

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