old ties

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ann-marie pressed the blade to my neck and my eyes pooled with tears

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ann-marie pressed the blade to my neck and my eyes pooled with tears.

she was the one behind this?

i thought i could trust her!

i call her my best friend and this is what she turns around and do?

ruin my love life?

tears fall down my cheeks and felony clenched her fists.

"what do you want, ann-marie?" felony asked her.

"i don't want money if that's what you're thinking," she said and pointed the knife at felony. she gripped me tightly and her nails started digging in my arms, "miracle knew i liked you and yet still, she went after you."

hold up.


back track.

i knew she liked felony?

this was about felony?

a laugh accidentally slipped pass my lips and ann-marie used the knife to cut my arm and my laugh disappeared, only for a ppained cry to come from my lips.

"what's so funny?"

"felony? what's happeni-" i heard tiffany said as she came towards felony's door.

i saw the color from marie's face drained slightly.



her grip released on my arm and i used that as an advantage and shoved her off of me and ran towards felony.

tiffany entered the room and scowled at marie.

"such audacity you have coming into my sister's house and threatening her girlfriend. i thought i told you that felony doesn't want you and she never would?"

excuse me, what?

felony wrapped her arms around me and she looked down at the bruise on my arm and cursed under her breath.

"fuck, i need to take a better look at this." she muttered as she wipes the tears from my eyes.

"it's just a scratch,"i assured her and she pulled me in her arms and pecked my forehead.

"i-i- you didn't know that," marie said as her voice wavered. she pointed the knife at tiffany and took a step back, "nobody come any closer."

such a pussy moment you're having, marie.

"i-i'll kill myself."

the sisters give her a look and she gulped.

"put the knife down and come here," tiffany said and marie shook her head.

"no. im here for one thing - person - and im not leaving without them."

so let me get this straight.

arielle have been in a relatonship with tiffany for 5 months now, almost six and it was probably before that marie reached out to tiffany and tried to get with felony.

tiffany lunged at marie and grabbed the knife from her, throwing it on the ground. she got a cut in the middle of her palm based on how she held the knife. she didn't react as she grabbed marie by the hair and pushed her down on the ground, holding her hand back as she placed a foot in her back.

does everyone in this family know how to fight!?

"what should i do with her?" tiffany asked her sister and felony grunted.

"bring her down to the basement or to one of the guest rooms. i don't care, just restrain her and gag her."

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