the women i love most

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"i see you're both getting along well," david smiled and miracle smiled and nodded

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"i see you're both getting along well," david smiled and miracle smiled and nodded.

"absolutely," she looked at me and i could see her smirk a bit before it vanished.

david smiled at both of us and i took a bite of the shrimp.

he's so fake.

how can he sit in front of us, in front of me, and pretend like he's not cheating?

i mean... i am cheating with his daughter too but i hide it better. 

a silence fell upon us as we ate in silence, "david," i grabbed his attention, "what did you say that you have to tell us?" 

"oh," he dabbed his mouth with the napkin and rest it down beside his plate, "i have to leave for a few months to go on a business trip." 

miracle's face fell and i rested my fork down.

"what?" i feigned, "how long is a few months, love?"

"i don't know, felony, and that's the thing." he sighed and looked at us, "it could be three months, four months, i really don't know."

it broke my heart a little to see my fiance lying to his daughter about going on a trip for business when i know that's not what's happening. 

it started about a year back when he started to go and come back, go and come back. the time that was spent was five days and then he comes and spends three days and then disappeared. we'd facetime and talk over the phone, but he never seemed to have time to talk to me for long.

i worked with models, clothes, lingerie, busy time schedule and i'd still find time for him when he called. 

david just never cared.

i lied to miracle, a bit.

we started talking out of interest at first but with him being an interior designer, i needed him to design the interior of rooms i'd use for the images for magazines and for the internet. he'd design them on the theme, colors and everything. it got down to business at one point where the contract lasts for five years. this contract not only improved his business but mine too.

the contract is almost over and he decided to propose to me to expand the contract. our relationship is romantic and a bit sexual but i don't know.

its just not there anymore.

"what about our wedding?" i asked and miracle looked over at me.

"it'll have to be put back to a further date." i picked up on a slight sadness but i didn't say anything more as i looked down at my food.

i kinda feel hurt but i wasn't going to show it.

i kinda feel hurt but i wasn't going to show it

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well i guess it is what it is.

"but don't let what i say distract you guys! tonight is all about food!" dad said and he clapped twice before three waiters came and placed different food on our table. 

in my plate is spaghetti with curry shrimp, sided with garlic bread and sweet corn. ooh! my favorite! a smile graced my lips and the waters took up our previous plates and placed a bottle of champagne in the middle of the table.

"champagne? what are we celebrating?" i chuckled.

"i am celebrating my love for the two women in my life." felony shook her head and dad opened the champagne bottle and poured some in her glass and then in mine. he raised his cup above the table and smiled at us.

"let me raise a toast, to the women i love most, in the whole world," dad smirked.

i laughed, "did you just quote alfalfa from little rascals, dad?"

"oh, i did." 

we clinked our glasses together and dunked it down and then poured ourselves some more champagne and began our second meal of the night. 

the tension dropped but i could tell that felony isn't happy.

so so sorry for the late update. my phone got taken away from me so that leaves me with my laptop smh

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