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after breakfast, felony and i hung out in the living room watching tv shows and just having a good time

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after breakfast, felony and i hung out in the living room watching tv shows and just having a good time. i also got to learn more about her, like how she decided to start the lingerie – and clothes – line and a little bit on her family. i also told her a little about me and about my family – my mother and how i don't know who she is because she gave me to dad when i was 2, leaving just us.

we also had a conversation about us and what we're going to do.

felony didn't really have much to say.

she says cheating is cheating and he got what was coming for him.

we eventually settled on the fact that im still his daughter and we can't really go public with anything as yet and that we still have to keep it on the low.

none of us have heard from my father in weeks now and we didn't really worry. felony and i are having a blast and i was enjoying the time we had together.

i admit, i do miss my father but i was a little angry.

why would he cheat on felony?

and before you say anything, yes, yes, i know she's cheating too but he was the reason why she started cheating. if she didn't know about him cheating, i doubt she would have cheated.

i realized that during the time that felony and i had spent in the living room, i had been thinking about sex. it played out in my mind about how i want to have sex with her, how it's going to go and the experience.

ever since last night, i wanted more.

i wanted more with felony.

her dick was so big that i could dream about it all day.

and when she cums?


i don't care how many times im going to speak about it.

i know that she's going to make me feel good because she's very good at communicating and i know she's a sex addict. i could tell.

felony's a very touchy person.

her hands are always under my shirt, on my ass, my thighs or my stomach.

they're always on me.

last night bonded us.

i mean she's always been touchy but there's something that changed, something that got stronger between us and i was not complaining.

im loving it.


"dad, im disappointed," i said as soon as he answered, "i never expected you to go and do that. she told me that it's been months, a year, since you've been acting strange and now you've been caught red handed and you haven't called or checked up on us."

he looked sorry, guilty.

"mira, honey, im sorry." my father sounded sincere as he spoke, "i know i should've called and checked up on you and felony but i haven't really got the time to. and before you say that it's because im out here with... you know... i actually have work."

i didn't say anything.

"you should call off the wedding, break up and cancel the business arrangement. what's the sense of it if you're cheating?"

"i am working on it—"

"no, you're not. felony has the papers ready for you to sign. she got to them before you."

dad sighed and rubbed his hands over his face.

he stayed silent.

"are you angry at me, mira?"

"no, im disappointed."

he sighed and looked at me through the camera, "im sorry."

"you should be apologizing to felony and not me. she needs it, she needs closure and she needs to talk to you."

dad nodded, "as soon as im finished—"


"yes, yes, okay." he gave up, "i'll just let this stay until later then."

"good." i said, "i love you, dad."

"i love you too, mira bear." he smiled and i smiled back. i was about to hang up but he spoke up.

"im returning home tomorrow."


tomorrow?😮 do you think they'll hide all the tracks that they've been sleeping together or there'll be something that's left back and it'll give them away?👀

lmk what you guys think!!

remember to vote🫶🏾

( i also gave you guys a triple update! — only bc my data was done for a few days and i was bored so i wrote. i also have the other chapters written already soooo try to predict what's gonna happen lovelies!)

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