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july 19

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july 19

it was the day when felony's sisters arrived.

to say i was nervous was an understatement.

"what should i do?" i cried into the speaker to ann-marie, "what should i wear? how should i even speak? do i speak posh and rich? how do i act? rich and snotty? spoiled and clingy? what do i —"

"babe, just breathe," marie said, "just be you and don't try to act out of your comfort. dress comfortable and dress based on the occasion, if they're coming to felony's house then wear something comfy and not too much."

i nodded, even though she couldn't see me.

"felony said they're coming to hers, staying for a few days and then they go back to switzerland."

marie hummed.

"don't overthink it too much and just be neutral. nobody likes a fake and snotty bitch."

"thank you," i said and she hummed once more.

"anytime. now get ready and be your best self."

we bid goodbyes and i huffed and dropped the towel from my body. i threw on one of felony's sweatshirts and boy shorts and went downstairs to help her prepare dinner for them.

the kitchen smells heavenly.

there were numerous dishes on the counters, already prepared.

"can you set the table for me, love?"

i responded back with a 'sure' and went towards the dining room to set the table. after i was finished, i walked back to the kitchen and took up the meals and placed them down.

"are they the only ones coming?" i asked her and she nodded.

"i think so. they don't normally bring anyone with them when they're coming." just as she said that, her phone tinged and she frowned as she reads the message, "scratch that, tiffany is bringing someone with her."

i nodded and went back to the dining room and set another plate.

it took us 30 minutes to finish up with everything before they arrived. we heard the doorbell ringing and felony wiped off her hands in her clothes and went to the door.

this is the first time im seeing her so nervous.

"sister!" a very cheery voice said and from where i was seated, i could see felony smiling slightly, "we've missed you."

"i missed you too. come in," she opened the door wider for them and three girls entered the house.

two looked like twins and the other just stood out.

is this another sister?

that thought was erased from my mind when I saw tiffany's hand around her waist.

hmm must be a couple.

the twins smiled at me.

"im tiffany and that is brittany," tiffany, the brunette said. she has brown eyes, like felony, and shoulder length brown hair. she's wearing a black pencil skirt and a white shirt that was tucked neatly in her skirt, along with a black blazer that finished the outfit. there wasn't a trace of make up. she's really pretty.

brittany on the other hand is a blonde, brown eyes and long hair. she's wearing the same thing as her sister and the only similarity that i could see is their facial features — their nose, eyes and lips.

"nice to meet you. im miracle," i stuck my hand out to shake tiffany's own and stood up. she shook my hand with her free hand and smiled at me.

so far, so good.

"yes, david's daughter." brittany said. tiffany glared at her.

"this is arielle, my beautiful girlfriend," tiffany said and she looked at arielle with a glint in her eyes.

arielle blushed and pushed her brown hair behind her ears.

was that so hard, felony?

i looked at her to see her avoiding my eyes and i shifted my attention back to arielle.

"nice to meet you, miracle. i've seen articles about you and i can say, i fancy your father's work."

i smiled at her and thanked her. we headed towards the dining room and we all got seated, uncovering the many dishes that felony and i prepared.

we made lasagna, mac and cheese, medium rare steak with greens, garlic bread and so many varieties of food. i was amazed at how she went all out.

"mm, lovely. i see you haven't changed, felony. going overboard when we say not to."

felony scowled at brittany and we all dug in. arielle was eating quietly as we made a small conversation. i looked over at her and nudged her with my foot. she looked up at me.

"you okay?" i mouthed and she nodded with a smile.

the rest of the evening went fairly well and i was honestly happy that it did. i couldn't bother with unnecessary family drama.

they didn't act like felony said.

it seems like they were in a good mood.

we all had a laugh and even got arielle to lighten up.

i started to like arielle's quietness. atleast she wasn't talkative and loud — that brittany was.

after dinner, we stayed in the living room and watched movies together, just enjoying each other's company.

i would say that tonight was a success.

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