ignoring my thoughts

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lesbian. who would dare say that?

im not a lesbian.

or am i?

her face when i told her that was neutral but i could tell she was thinking about it. before i got an answer from her, dad came back with food for us and honestly, it just hit me how hungry i was.

i thanked him and so did felony.

we ate, having a small conversation here and there.

i could see her brown eyes glancing at me every now and then. i smirked to myself.

i honestly didn't care whether or not if she was okay with me being a lesbian because her opinion didn't matter to me.

she's my dad's fiance, not mine.

therefore, her input isn't valid.

after eating, i volunteered to bring our dishes back to the kitchen.

ann said to be nice and do stuff ever so often.

i went back to the living room after bringing the dishes back to the kitchen and sit back down in my previous spot.

"tomorrow evening, we'll be leaving to go to felony's. i won't be there for the majority of the time so that means you girls can enjoy yourselves and have girl time and do whatever."

i didn't miss the slight disappointment on felony's face but it quickly slipped away.

hmm, i wonder what that was about.

i didn't let it ponder much on my mind though.

"where will you be, dad?" i asked.

"work. i got stuff to handle and i have an important... client coming to work with me so i'll have to give our project a whole lot of time and you know how it goes, love."

i nodded in understanding.

my father is an interior designer alongside a gambler and he does some tech work somewhere.

i didn't really mind him being absent just as long as he's there for important stuff. he's never missed a date before though so all is well.

dad checked his watch and then pecked felony's lips and whispered something in her ear.

she smiled a bit and nodded.

"i have to go now, darling. i was told to get to the office by 5:30 and it's now 4:50." he said and rubbed his palms on his knees and stood up.

"i'll see you in the morning, father."

he nodded and smiled at me and went to the table and took up his work kit that he left there before going for felony.

after he left, it was just me and felony.

"i'll be in my room if you need me." i said, dismissing myself and she nodded.

"alright." i hummed and left the space and went back to my room.

i immediately took up my phone and called ann-marie.





i nodded in confirmation at our stupidity and ann gasped.

"she's here!"

"yes." i confirmed, "and we spoke. honestly she isn't bad but meh, i don't know. she gives me a very kind heart person vibes but also a cruel person vibes."

"i feel that way when i see her interviews, honestly."

ann and i talked some more about random stuff until i decided that i was going to watch movies and that i'll call her later if anything more happens and we bid goodbye.

i turned on the tv and went to netflix and played 'the mole', the current series that i've been watching.


i was getting hungry and there was no way that im going to bed hungry. i paused my movie and put on my bed slippers and went downstairs to get something to eat. i went to the kitchen and grabbed a few snacks from the cupboards and went back to my room.

on the way to my room, i had to pass my dad's room.

when i heard noises coming from the room, a woman's moan, soft moans coming from the room, i was mortified.

dad wasn't back as yet so that relieved my nerves.

all that i could hear were her moans.

her moans were soft and—


i shook my head and went back to my room which was about two turns away. so happy that i couldn't hear anything from my room or i'd have to go and live on the streets.

i rested the snacks on my bed and climbed back in bed and resumed the movie. i opened the cheese balls and munched on them as i watched 'the mole' with only one thing in my mind.

felony's moans.


1k within a night😍 that's the bs im talking boutttt

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