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i ran my hand through my hair, still straddling her lap

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i ran my hand through my hair, still straddling her lap. felony didn't say anything as she looked at me stress over the fact that we just made out.

"felony!" i smacked her shoulder.


"we just made out and your expressions are neutral right now. i don't know what to do. i just betrayed my dad," i said, my face falling when i realized.

i quickly scurried off of her lap and got up from the bed, moving as far away as possible.

why did i say anything!?

i should've left my feelings out of this.

i scowled at my foolish actions and started pacing.

what will my father say?

will he think bad of me?

does he have to know?

what if felony tells him?

what if he finds out by himself?

what if he has a camera in my room?

no, there isn't a camera. i know that.

she's my stepmother for fuck's sake!

i flinched away when i felt her arm on my wrist. i looked in felony's eyes and they softened upon seeing my stressed state.

"do you want me to leave you alone?"

should i tell her yes?

"no, stay." felony nodded and wrapped her arm around me. i even forgot about the flu but at this point, it doesn't matter.

i wrapped my arms around her, too, and rested my head on her chest, listening to her heartbeat steadily.

"im sorry if i made you feel awkward or uncomfortable by kissing you, miracle," felony uttered and i shook my head.

"you didn't. im just thinking about... your relationship with my father."

felony chuckled and i looked up at her, "it's almost nonexistent."

i give her a confused look, "what do you mean?"

"your father is cheating on me, miracle. i haven't slept with him for nearly 2 weeks now. when he comes home, he sleeps in the guest bedroom and then does his stuff there. when i go to do the laundry, i find lipgloss stained on two of his shirts and make up." felony explained and my lips parted in shock.


"i-" my thoughts weren't processing. my dad was cheating on her?

they've been together for 4 years, engaged.

why now?

is he really cheating?

i mean, felony said what she said and she knows what she saw.


"did you kiss me because my father is cheating on you? to get at him?" i asked lowly and felony's eyes widened.

"no, no. i would never, mira."

i squinted my eyes at hers, searching for any sign of lying.

"if i ever find out that you did, felony, im going to end you."

she nodded and i walked out of her arms and towards the door, opening it for her.

"get out."


i raised both of my eyebrows and felony sighed and walked towards the door. when she got close to me, she stopped and looked down at me.

"i just want you to know that i meant what i said. i would never do that to you to get back at your father. i won't stoop that low."

with that, she left my room and i sighed as i closed the door.

i walked towards the bathroom and stripped from my clothes.

i haven't showered since yesterday and i probably stink. the only reason why i haven't showered was because i was too weak to move. one thing for sure, i love my showers, my cold showers.

i turned on the shower and stepped under the water and let it flow over my body. i decided to wash my hair and reach for the shampoo and place some in my hand.


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