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"los angeles!" miracle exclaimed from the backseat and i smiled at her excitement, "you brought me to los angeles!"

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"los angeles!" miracle exclaimed from the backseat and i smiled at her excitement, "you brought me to los angeles!"

"yes, i did, love." i laughed and looked at her expression through the mirror and she sat up slightly, avoiding sitting on her bum.

i smiled at my love and drove towards santa monica. i always knew that miracle has a love towards animals, one i cannot explain. i would hear her complaining about how she wants to have a dog, guinea pigs and all different sorts of pets. there's no way in hell she's getting a pet in my household.

i hate dogs.

the drive didn't take us long to get there and i started going in the direction of the first place that i had planned for her.

i could hear her phone stuttering away, as she took pictures of everything she saw.

all i could do was smile at my girl.

heal the bay aquarium.

i parked in the parking lot and miracle started jumping in her seat.

"oh my god."

for someone who has a famous father and has never been anywhere is surprising. i knew she travelled but it doesn't look like she gets the opportunity to explore.

miracle leaned over the seat and pecked my cheek repeatedly. i laughed at her antics and turned my head to kiss her. miracle kissed me deeply and i smiled into the kiss.

"stop and let me kiss you properly," she whines but i couldn't stop smiling. she is adorable.

i got out of the car and opened the back door and miracle got out excitedly. she pulled down her dress and i placed my hand in hers as we walked towards the entrance.

"i was thinking of renting it out but i changed my mind and said you probably wouldn't want your first time to be empty." i told her as we entered the full space.

we walked towards the front desk and i took out my wallet and the guy went over the payment plans and i paid him $400 for the best experience.

i only want what's best for her.

people were chattering all around us as they stood in front of the numerous glasses that contained sea animals of all different kinds.

miracle bounced on her feet and looked up at me.

"what first?" i asked her and she pointed to the basic fishes.

"basic to the top." i laughed at her response and we walked towards the fishes and miracle took a picture of them and then pointed to the colorful fish.

"tropical fishes are so pretty." she said and i nodded in agreement.

we saw stingrays, blowfishes, sharks, goldishes, dolphins, turtles! seahorses and so much more

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we saw stingrays, blowfishes, sharks, goldishes, dolphins, turtles! seahorses and so much more. i have a lot of images on felony's phone - hers, simply because she has a higher model iphone and better quality and features.

i even got to feed some of the aquatic animals like the turtle and dolphins. ugghhh im dying.

im having what people call a baby fever, except im having it for animals.

by now, my butt wasn't as sore as it was before and i could sit down.

on our way out, felony and i purchased ice cones and headed back to her vehicle.

the adrenaline was pumping through my veins knowing that she has other places to take me to.

i can't help how much i love this woman.

wait... love?

i mean it was a little obvious that my feelings for felony was deeper than just liking her.

i fell for felony and im not ashamed about it.

well a little.

considering she was dating my dad first and now me makes me seem like i went for my dad's fiance. i kinda did but stills...

"so we have an hour to get to our next stop and it's a 30 minute ride. do you want to stop anywhere before we get there?" felony asked me as she turned to look at me.

i want to stop in the traffic and suck your dick as you try to resist from touching me, letting the cars behind us go crazy as you stop every mere second.

i smiled at her, "maybe stop to get something to drink? like an iced coffee or something that has to do with coffee."

felony nodded and hit the main road. i connected my phone to the radio and started playing my doja cat playlist, say so playing first.

"how comes you've never been to los angeles before and david always comes here?" felony asked.

"i have been to los angeles," i corrected, "but the farthest i have been was back at the hotel you passed two hours ago." i explained, "i've been to many countries before, italy, spain, france, mexico and so much more but the farthest, the first hotel in sight."

"your life is sad." felony said and i glared at her.

"fuck you."

she throws me a side glare and we pull up to a little stand on the roadside. we got out of the car and the female smiled at us.

"what can i get for you ladies?" she asked and i looked at the menu behind her.

"an iced coffee with whipped cream and caramel," i ordered and felony took out her wallet and handed me $100. i took it and watched as the woman made the drink, making sure she didn't slip anything inside.

"i'll be in the car, my love." i nodded and felony pecked my lips and went back to the car.

i thanked the woman as she handed me the iced coffee and i paid her and waited for my change.

as she was handing me back my change, she spoke to me.

"are you guys together?" she asked and i nodded.

"yes." she's my woman, even though we aren't official as yet.

"im happy for both of you. you look cute together," she said and i smiled widely.

"thank you."

"be careful out there though. the people in la aren't the nicest when it comes to homosexuals." i thanked her once more and went back to the car and handed felony the change.

"keep it."

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