mall and iced coffee

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march 10

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march 10

it has been a week since i've been here and honestly, things have been great. felony and i have gotten closer than before, that's for sure.

dad was hardly around and i could only say that his business has been taking a toll on him.

felony seems sad over it but i didn't ask her to talk about it or anything. i let her be because it wasn't my business to push into her business.

she works, too, but it was a normal 9-5 schedule and she always comes back home at 6p.m with something for us to eat. sometimes i'd cook for both of us and it ended up being breakfast in the morning because she brought home food for us. i stopped cooking overall because i never know when she's going to bring home food.

felony knocked on my room door and i told her to come in and she did, sitting on my bed

"hey, mira. i was wondering if you wanted to come with me to the mall? i was gonna purchase some stuff and i thought why not invite you out with me..." felony trailed off when she looked at me.

her eyes trailed down my body and i looked at where she was looking.

oh, right. the piercings.

i placed my hand over my chest and that made felony's eyes snapped to mine. i give her an amused smirk.

was she checking me out? or am i being delusional?

"o-oh, sorry," she said softly and got up from the bed, turning her body away from me, "i-i'll meet you downstairs in 15 minutes."

i nodded, finding her behavior a bit odd.

felony left my room and i got up out of bed and went to my arranged closet. i picked out a one sleeved cropped top and a green knee length skirt that has a slit in the side, coming right up to my thigh. i picked out a slippers that matches the color of the outfit and started to get ready. i put on some light makeup and then i was good to go.

if she never saw the piercings before then she definitely would see them now.

i took out a white side bag and dropped my phone and purse inside, along with lip balm, pepper spray and my pocket knife. never know what can happen.

i went downstairs and saw felony already waiting for me.

my eyes took in her outfit.

she's wearing a black baggy shorts, with a white oversized t-shirt that has a smiley face on it. finishing off the outfit, she has on a white socks with some white sneakers. felony's hair is in a ponytail and she has sunglasses perched on the top of her head.

her cologne hits me from where i stood and damn she smells good.


i nodded and walked towards her.

i didn't miss the subtle glance that she took at my chest. it looked like she wanted to say something but i didn't push her to so i let her stay. when we got to the garage, she took the less eye-catching car. we got in and left together, and head out through the huge gate that had a security system that seems to be installed in her car.

it takes us an hour to get to the city where the first place we headed to was 'city mall'. very odd name but who's complaining? we got out of the car and felony dropped the eyeglasses over her eyes and we headed into the mall.

now i understand the purpose of the sunglasses, beware of paparazzi.

"im going to get some clothes for an upcoming event that i have and you can do whatever. just make sure that i can find you when im ready." felony grumbled and i nodded.

"you have my number, you know? you can just call me whenever you're ready to leave."

"oh," felony said, "never thought of that.

i could see the visible frown on her face but she nodded and we parted ways.

okay so let's get some iced coffee and then i go to the phone shop to buy a new phone case.


i got three phone cases. matching ones for each of us, dad, felony and i. if they didn't like it, that's just how it goes. the phone cases are beige and it have some light decorations on it that was beige in color so it looks aesthetic.

i also got a bracelet set for felony, even though im pretty sure she has a lot of them. i also got her an iced coffee with chocolate toppings and whipped cream.

i didn't get much for father because i didn't know when i am going to see him.

who knows?

my phone started ringing and i answered when i saw that it was felony calling.

"im in the car waiting for you." she grumbled in the phone and i laughed at how grumpy she sounded.

"are you okay, felony?"

"yes. why wouldn't i be?"

"you sound terrible."

"well im hungry so let's get going."

i hummed and hung up the phone.

i got back to the car quickly and handed her the iced coffee. she took it and looked at me.

"it's yours."

"thank you," felony responded with a genuine smile. her sunglasses were off so i got to see her beautiful brown eyes again. i smiled back at her, i couldn't help it. she's just so beautiful.

"you're welcome, felony."

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