what i need

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felony gripped miracle's legs and pulled her down closer to her as she kicked off her shorts and boxers.

"condom or bare, love?" felony asked her lover as mira looked at her dick in lust.

"bare. i want to feel all of you." miracle finalized and felony nodded.

she was hoping she'd say bare, for she wanted her first time to be raw with her, raw and skin to skin. though she'd respect her wishes if she said condom.

felony rubbed her tip on miracle's clit and looked down at their bodies. miracle leaned up on her elbows and felony positioned at her entrance.

miracle gulped nervously.

what if she couldn't fit? she knew nothing about having sex to know that not fitting was impossible.

"go gentle," mira's soft voice said and felony nodded.

"of course, my love."

felony pushed her hips forward, earning a gasp from miracle as her dick sunk inside her. a burning sensation spread through mira's core and she whimpered.

felony shushed her, trying to contain her moans at how tight miracle is.

"relax your muscles, baby." fel said to her and mira nodded, taking a deep breath. she was grateful for the pause in felony's movement.

"are you in fully?"

"not even half." felony smirked at miracle's terrified face, "im joking, almost." miracle lets out a breath, "ready again, baby?"

she nodded and felony grunted as she pushed all of her length in miracle. her core burned, ached, but she bared it as felony muttered soothing words in her ears.

"god, i can feel you."

"technically, you're not feeling god," mira teased and felony lets out a breathy laugh.

she removed her dick from her hole and miracle was left empty. felony didn't waste anytime slowly plunging back inside of her, in, out, in and out again, repeating the patter so that miracle could get used to her length.

without any warning, felony slammed into miracle and her body shook with the force. a shaky moan came from her lips and felony started to fuck her.

she places her hands on her hips as she goes at a rhythmic pace.

"it feels so good," mira moaned.

she's never felt something so overwhelming and so... pleasurable before. sure, felony's fingers and lips did work wonders but her dick? oh her days.

 sure, felony's fingers and lips did work wonders but her dick? oh her days

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moans slipped from me as felony thrust into me. we let out moans of our own in pleasure, enjoying the sensations that flowed through us.

"fuck," she cursed and leaned down to my face and placed her lips on mine.

i wrapped my arms around her neck as she kept thrusting in me. all without warning, she picked up the pace of her hips, the kiss getting sloppy as none of us could contain our moans.

"fuuuuck." i cried out.

i whimpered and felony buried her face inside of my neck.

"you're so tight, so good." she moaned in my neck and i could feel my orgasm nearing.

"im gonna cum, im gonna cum," i whimpered and felony moaned.

"don't cum yet, princess."

i tried holding back as her hips picked up pace.

how'd she expect me not to cum when she's rocking my shit?!

"i-i can't." i gripped her shoulders as the pleasure became unbearable. i need a release.

"cum for me, pretty girl." felony ushered in my ear and i could feel her pulsating in me.

i let go, cumming on her cock as i did. my eyes rolled back in my head as my left thigh twitched. as i came down from my high, felony pulled out as she came in my stomach, moaning in my ear.

gosh she's so hot.

we both panted, resting on each other. i let out a contented sigh and i felt felony smile against me.

"I love you." we both said at the same time.

i smiled and we chuckled at the same time.

"i guess we both couldn't wait to say it, huh?" felony muttered and i giggled.

"definitely not."


trash trash trash. the trashiest of the trashy smut i've ever written. i prefer to write oral and foreplay over intercourse anydayyyy.

unedited asl

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