he knows

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i stared at the phone as nervousness wracked over my body

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i stared at the phone as nervousness wracked over my body. i was going to tell my father. he deserves to know before he knows from the internet.

he answered.

"hi, papa." i muttered and he groaned softly.

"hi, sweetie," aww i woke him up, "how are you?"

"i'm good. how are you?"

"rich," he answered and i laughed.

"i'm taking it work is going well?"

he hummed.

he then tends to tell me how he's the one who is incharge of the designing of one of the annual galas next year. met gala? we spoke for a little while and the thought of telling him was drifting from my mind but when felony entered the room, i immediately remembered to tell him about it.

"dad," i called out to him and he answered. he was currently eating breakfast. his boyfriend had to leave for work early so he prepared before for him before he left.

"i have something to tell you."

"go on."

"its about... my love life." i said hesitantly and he hummed, motioning for me to continue, "imdatingfelony."


i let out a breath and felony watched me from where she stood.

the worst he can do is yell, right?

"i said that i am dating felony, your ex-fiance."


he chuckled, "i know."

"you do?" felony raised her eyebrows and mouthed for me to put the phone on speaker. i did.

"i do." dad confirmed.

"is it from the articles? the internet?"

"some of it but it only helped towards my thoughts. when i came over to speak to felony and i saw the hickeys on her neck and how you looked at her as if she was crazy, that was clue one. clue two was how she said that you and her have a good step-bond. i know how much you didn't like the idea of me dating without telling you. even though she is a public figure who you looked up to, i know my daughter wouldn't warm up to someone so quickly."


"clue three, was the images that paparazzi have of you in los angeles and holding hands and stuff. the recent clue was the article that was recently posted about the internet questioning you and felony's relationship."

felony nodded in amusement and my cheeks darkened even though i know he couldn't see me.

"i want you to know that im not angry before you assume that." he said, "i'm not proud of how you went after my ex-fiance but what can i say? when love happens, it happens." he muttered the last part and i couldn't help but laugh.

"thank you, dad." i said and he hummed.

"yes and also tell felony i said good day even though i know she's listening to the conversation."

i laughed and felony fanned me off the phone.

"she said good day to you, too."

dad and i conversed for a bit longer.

i'm happy that he accepted our relationship despite felony being his ex-fiance.

she climbed in the bed beside me and pulled me into her arms. she pecked my lips and lookde at me.

"im finished cooking." she muttered.

i told dad to give me a minute and looked at her as she pushed her face in my breasts.

"what'd you cook?"

"your favorite."

i muted the phone before smirking at felony and she glared at me, knowing what i was thinking.

"i mean it could be a teaser to the main course," i said and felony laughed.

she shook her head in amusement.

"you're something else."

"everything that you could possibly need," i pecked her lips and unmute the call.

i bid dad goodbye and he told me that he'll be back within two weeks. i hung up and felony bit my covered breast and i slapped her upside the head.

"that hurts."

"you say otherwise when i smack it." she smirked and i glared at her.

"i'm hungry, let me go." i grumbled and she didn't let me go, "felony," i groaned.

"kiss me, baby."

"i'm not kissing you." i tried to pried her arms off of me but failed.

"kiss me and i'll let you go." she muttered.

i huffed and turned in her arms and placed my lips on hers. i couldn't help but melt into her arms as her soft lips came in contact with mine. all my emotions went away and all i could focus on were her lips and the love surging through my body. 

felony pulled back and placed a sloppy peck on my lips.

"i love you." she whispered and i repeated the words to her.

i really do love her.

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