sore ass

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remind me to not get felony on her wrong side

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remind me to not get felony on her wrong side.

her hands are heavy!

the following morning i woke up, my ass was still sore. events from the previous night were still fresh in my mind and i couldn't help but think about it.

i had to be laying on my stomach because if i ever lay on my back, i'll cry.

felony wasn't in bed with me and i pouted.

where's my baby?

i saw a note on the beside table and i stretched and grabbed the note and read it.

"i'll be back, lovely. went to get something for that ass of yours."

i shook my head and placed back down the letter and used my hand to push me to the edge of the bed. i tried my best to get up without letting my bruised butt touch the sheets.

i successfully failed.

i yelled when my ass brushed against the sheets and quickly got up, ignoring how my ass felt.

next time, don't be a brat, miracle and this won't happen.

i walked towards the bathroom and turned on the pipe and watched as the water ran in the tub. i opened the cabinet and placed bubble soaps in the water and watched as the water foamed as it filled up more.

i got in the bath carefully after it was full and sighed in content when the water brushed against my skin.


five minutes later in the bath, i heard the bathroom door being knocked on and then it opened. felony entered the bathroom and she looked at me in the tub from where she stood and smiled.

"good morning," she greets, "how are you feeling?"

"better than when i woke up," i replied.

felony grinned and walked towards me. she leaned over and pecked my lips.

"when you're finished with your bath, i have the cream placed on the bed for you. if you want help, call me. i'll be downstairs preparing something for you to eat."

i nodded and felony pecked my lips one more time before leaving.

i smiled at her retreating figure and closed my eyes as i let the water take over my body.


"im taking you out for lunch and then we go somewhere that i have planned for us and we enjoy our day." felony said and i hummed as i laid down on my stomach.


"yes, love."

i looked at her, "you do realize i cannot wear bottoms, right?" i motioned to my bare ass.

felony laughed.

"how does that concern me? if you weren't being a brat then that wouldn't have happened."

i pouted and she walked towards me and motioned for me to turn facing her.

"get up on your knees and arch your back," felony instructed and i did as told, a little confused, "lay down and keep the arch." i listened to her.

i felt her hands on my hips and she pulled my hips back. she spat on my pussy and her tongue licked down my slit.

i gasped.

she really wasn't about to-

felony's tongue swirled on my clit and i closed my eyes as a wave of pleasure hit my body. pleasurable sensations hit my body and i couldn't stop myself from moaning loudly.

"felony, fuck," i gasped out and clenched the sheets as her digits entered me.

i have been so deprived of sex that i missed her fingers.

"don't let me spank you. address me as you should." she snarled and i whimpered.

her fingers curled deep inside of me and i cried out. the pace of her fingers picked up faster and faster until i could hear my wetness.

"please, please," i whimpered.

felony grabbed my hair and pulled me up. she sits me on her fingers as she drilled them in and out of me.

"beg for it." she whispered in my ear.

felony released my hair and her hand reached around to my breast and she slapped it and pinched my nipple.

"please can i cum? please, mama."

when she called me mama, i could feel my inner self surfacing but i had to control myself

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when she called me mama, i could feel my inner self surfacing but i had to control myself. she can't see that side of me, not yet.

i smiled in satisfaction.

"yes you may, princess."

i curled my fingers to hit her g-spot and miracle moaned. her pussy clenched around my fingers and i could imagine how she felt around my dick.

the thought made me get impossibly harder than i was before.

miracle started cumming, her body spasming as she did. she threw her head back as she came and i looked down at her beautiful face.

i wanted her to cum one more time for me but i slowed my fingers down, deciding to leave her be. miracle panted as she came down from her high, breathing heavily as she laid against my chest.

i removed my fingers from her pussy and she let out a final moan and i brought them to her lips.

"open," she opened her mouth and i stuffed my fingers between her pink lips and she started sucking on my fingers like she was sucking a straw.

i bit my lip as i looked down at her.

"good girl," i praised her and miracle's cheeks turned red.

i removed my fingers from her mouth and miracle turned around and i placed my lips on hers.

"you tend to love leaving yourself on edge, don't you?" miracle said as she pulled back, referring to my hard dick that was between us.

i laughed at her comment and looked at her, "i just don't want to force you into doing anything plus you can hardly take my dick in your mouth. last time, you almost died." i teased and miracle huffed.

"im doing this on my own will. i want to help you out so that im not the only one getting pleasured and i can manage you just fine."

i smiled and chose not to respond to her because i knew she'd get defensive and want to prove me wrong. as much i'd love for her to suck my dick right now, we have places to be.

"come on, we're gonna get dressed so that we can get to the diner on time."

miracle nodded and we walked towards my closet where she had a fair share of clothes too and we picked out outfits.


they're gonna have sex soon, dw😭

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