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i was stressing!

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i was stressing!

my father was coming today and i have a gut feeling that shit is going to go down.

felony said, and i quote, "you should leave your underwear in my bed so he knows im messing with his daughter."

i literally kicked the shit out of her for that.

is she crazy!

my father would go nuts! i wouldn't want him finding out about us that way. i made sure to search felony's room up and down, inside out, for any of my clothes.

i cleaned the living room, the kitchen and anywhere that felony and i have been.

i wanted today to go perfect.

he's leaving tomorrow so all i had to do was fake a step-mother relationship with felony for one day and then back to being lovey-dovey.

"im here!" i heard my father's cheery voice yelled from the living room and i wiped my sweaty palms on my legs and came from hiding and give him the biggest fake smile i could muster.


"ugh, how i've missed you my love!" he grinned and i ran to him.

i missed him too.

i wrapped my arms around him and relaxed into his warm embrace.

felony sat down on the couch as she watched the intersection, sipping on red wine from her glass.

we pulled back from the hug and dad's eyes fell to felony and then we both saw the same thing, the hickey on her neck.

she said she was going to cover it up!

the thing was it wasn't one or two. they were big and dark and it looked like she had a real curling iron problem.

my eyes widened and dad frowned.

i quickly hid my expression and felony smiled at my father.

"david, how nice of you to drop by," she said and pours herself more wine.

honestly i won't lie. she looks so good right now and the dominance radiating off of her makes me want to get on my knees for her.

felony knew dad was coming by today, they must've spoken last night or yesterday when i told him to speak to felony.

"can i speak to felony, sweetie?" dad said, not taking his eyes off of her neck.

i nodded and excused myself and went to the kitchen to get a glass of water to drink to calm down my nerves.

"i know i am doing something wrong but you don't have to rub it in my face like that

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"i know i am doing something wrong but you don't have to rub it in my face like that. we can speak like grown adults about the situation instead of you having some huge marks on your neck." david said as soon as miracle was out of earshot.

i didn't say anything as i stared at him.

i completely ignored what he said and changed the topic, "how was your trip, david? pretty sure you enjoyed it."

he narrowed his eyes at me.

"my trip was work related—"

"was," i emphasized, "then it got to pleasure, right? if you must know, business and pleasure doesn't mix."

"felony, im sorry," he sighed and sat down.

"sign the papers." i motioned to the papers on the table.

it's the papers to close off the partnership our business has and whatever else we're partners in. the engagement was long gone because i dipped the ring for a long time.

david took up the papers and he read through it and then he signed where needed and handed me the papers. i took them and made sure that he signed everything properly and placed them back down.

i hummed and took up my wine glass and dunked it.

"i'll bring miracle back to my house and we'll come out of your life, for good." david said and i paused.

i looked at him.

"i don't have a problem with miracle staying with me." i said cooly.

"well im assuming that since we're not... together any more you wouldn't want to see her?"

"we've developed a bond. i love my step-daughter. i wouldn't want her father to come between our relationship," i shrugged.

david nodded and sighed.

"i'll be going then. tell miracle that i love her and that she can come to me whenever she feels like it."

i nodded.

that was surprisingly quick.

david got up and was about to leave but i stopped him.

"i have a question, david."

he nodded and motioned for me to ask.

"why?" i asked, "what was i not providing you with?"

he frowned at my question and a look of guilt crossed his features.

"when i met him, it wasn't a matter of why. it was almost like, love at first sight. i know that it sounds bad and i know im a bad person for cheating but i couldn't help it."

"you still didn't answer my question."

he shook his head.

"you provided me with everything i could possibly ask someone for but it felt... wrong."

"how wrong?"

david picked his next words carefully but there was nothing that could prepare me for the next words that came from his mouth.

"i am gay, felony."

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