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unknown: ohhh miracle ~ unknown sent 7 attachments

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unknown: ohhh miracle ~
unknown sent 7 attachments

fucketh my life.

they were all images of felony and i at the pool.

i have a feeling that this stalker is someone close to either one of us because there is no way that they could've gotten this close to having been taking images like this of me.

i sighed and shoved the phone in felony's chest.

she looked down at it and just then, my phone tinged again.

"it's a message from the person." she informed me, "it says, 'tick tock. watch your back.'"

"im very confused. they speak in cryptic and they're never stating their purpose, only giving threats." i mumbled.

are they trying to frighten me?

i took the phone from felony and typed angrily on the keyboard.

to : - 'is it money that you want? revenge? what do you want?

read at 10:32a.m.



'i want 7 million dollars."

that's it?


to : - account number?

unknown: that's it...?

- I want you out of my life and gone.

felony placed her hand over the screen and shook her head.

"don't," she said.

"felony, we're finally going to get rid of this motherfucker and you're telling me don't? im tired of waiting to see something be done by this person when all they're doing is threatening me. they have images against me, against us. if they're leaked do you know how much trouble we could get in?"

"i thought you said you didn't mind?" she teased and i chuckled, despite the tense situation.

my phone screen booted on and i looked at it.

unknown: I'm not giving you my account number. write me a cheque and i'll collect it from you tonight at 11 by the alley on your street.
- your street, not felony's

i tilted my head and asked felony for her cheque book.

unknown: come alone or else...

i hate people that do this.

"you know you're not going alone." felony raised her eyebrows.

"but i have to be seen alone."

"well i won't be seen then. you just do your job and stall and i will do what i need to do."

i nodded unsure of this. what if the person found out and hurt her? the thought saddened me and felony seemed to notice.

she placed her hands on my cheeks and made me look at her.

"don't worry about me," she said soothingly, "the main priority here is you." her voice calmed me and for the rest of the time, we spent it in bed until 11 where we went down to eat breakfast with her sisters and arielle.


"so, miracle," brittany said and i looked at her, "how'd you meet felony?"

well you see...

"we lived in the same household," i said.

"and who initiated the first move?"

while i was confessing how i liked her, she kissed me so...

"i did," felony butted in. brittany raised her eyebrows.

"i expected it to be miracle. cheating on your fiancé is wild."

"he was cheating first," felony said and cocked an eyebrow.

"so leave him instead of cheating."

"he was always away and im not one to break up over the phone."

"visit him then. don't you have all the money in the world to do so?"

"i work."

"you take day offs whenever you feel so i don't feel how that is an excuse."

felony gripped the tv remote and my eyes widened at the remote opening. i placed my hand on hers and her grip released slightly and i took the remote from her hand and clasped it back together.

"and your fiancé's daughter? i thought you wouldn't go that low for... that," brittany said as she shoots me a look.

felony grabbed the remote from me and threw it at brittany's head. she cried out as the remote smacked her between the eyes and cowered.

"don't fucking speak about her like that, brittany. half sister or not, i'll fucking kill you," felony held my hand and she got up and dragged me behind her as we left the living room. i smiled apologetically at arielle and tiffany and they gave me a grim smile, seemingly used to it.

felony brought us outside to the back where we walked towards the outside lounge. she let go off my hand and huffed angrily.

"that bitch of a bitch," she snarled, "im going to kill  her. for that? i should go back in there and fucking rip her teeth from her gums."

felony moved off to head back into the house but i placed my hands on her chest as i pushed her back with all my might.

"calm down, baby." i said and she glared harshly at the door, "they're just words."

"words that are offensive towards you. words that i am going to choke down her throat. she better apologize to you or im going to force her to."

i could tell she was heated. her breathing was labored as she kept uttering threats to brittany.

"felony, deep breaths." she looked at me, "in, out. come on, breathe with me."

it took her a while to calm down but eventually, she did.

she rubbed her palms over her face and sighed, looking down at me.

"im sorry."

"no, no. don't apologize," i said. i pecked her lips, "you express yourself differently and it's okay."

felony let out a humorless laugh, "i meant every word i said. let her utter another insult towards you and you'll see."

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