mile low club

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i stopped the car a little before we got to our destination and opened the department and took out a blindfold.

"ooh, kinky," miracle teased and i chuckled.

she turned around and i placed it over her eyes and then started driving once more.

i arrived at our 2nd destination and got out of the car and went around to her side. i opened the door for her and lifted her in my arms and rested her in the ground.

i held her hand and the guy who i had to pay off to let me rent the balloon nodded at me and i walked over to the air balloon and the guide opened the small door open for miracle and i. i thanked him and he lit the fire and the balloon started rising.

i removed the blindfold from her eyes and miracle gasped, placing her hands over her mouth. she walked to the edge of the air balloon and looked over as it went in the direction that i originally planned.

"oh my—" miracle turned around and threw her arms around me.

i caught her and smiled as i wrapped my arms around her. she squeezed me in the hug and swayed us side to side.

"thank you, thank you, thank you. this is amazing, fel." miracle said and i nodded.

"you're welcome, my baby. anything for you."

miracle pulled back and stared up at me longingly. i couldn't help but lean down and placed my lips on hers.

she kissed me back, not wasting any time to remove the scrunchie from my hair. i lifted one of her legs to my waist as i kissed her deeply.

seven minutes.

her dress rode up to her ass and i licked her bottom lip for entrance to her beautiful lips. she parted her lips and i let my tongue slip in her mouth.

miracle moaned in my mouth and i groped her ass and her legs buckled.

"it still hurts."

i smiled and started to kiss down her neck. i dropped her leg and brought my hand around her back to pull her zip.

"are you really about to go down on me in the air?"

"fuck yes." i grumbled in her neck and miracle moaned when i nipped her skin.

i left a sloppy trail of kisses going down her chest as i pulled the dress down her body. her beautiful breasts were revealed to my eyes and i let out a curse lowly and leaned down, taking her nipple in my mouth.

i flicked the metal of her piercing with my tongue as i sucked on her nipple, using my other hand to play with her other breast. i moved towards her other breast soon, teasing both of her nipples. i made sure to leave marks on her body as i worked my way down to her core.

i made her go towards the side and pushed her body on it. miracle screamed slightly as she looked down.

"felony, if you ever make me fucking fall—"

"shh, shh," i pecked her shoulder blade and kneeled down behind her, spreading her legs. i licked her pussy and she moaned softly, "do you trust me, baby?"

miracle nodded, "yes, yes i do, felony but—"

i pushed my fingers in her entrance making her let out a moan that cuts off her sentence. i started to pump my fingers in her already wet walls and miracle throws her head back as she lets out moans of bliss.

"oh shit," she gasped when i curled my fingers in her walls and i spread her legs further. i brought my other hand between her legs and started to rub her clit to bring her to her high quicker.

miracle moved her hips along my fingers to match my rhythm with my fingers.

"fuck, fuck. im so near, mama." miracle cried out.

one minute.

i pecked her still-red ass and got up, moving my hand from her clit but letting my fingers stay inside her pussy.

i kept pumping my fingers, bringing her to her peak.

"look up," miracle did as i said, biting her lip to contain her moans. three airplanes flew by, forming the words i wanted to ask her.

"will you be my girlfriend?"

miracle gasped but her eyes fluttered shut once more and i slapped her ass.

"open your fucking eyes," i snapped, "say no, i dare you."

miracle opened her eyes but i could see them wanting to close as she neared her orgasm. her pussy clenched continuously around my fingers and i looked down at her.

"i'll fuck the yes out of you, miracle. give me an answer," i growled, getting impatient.

miracle nodded fastly, the words seemingly not coming from her lips.

"y-y-yes." she breathed and her legs buckled. i held her up steadily.

"say it."

miracle moaned loudly.

she knew better not to cum unless i got my answer.

"yesyesyes. i'll be your girlfriend," she cried out and i smirked in satisfaction.

"good." i whispered in her ear, "cum for me."

miracle's orgasm came crashing down on her as she cried out, throwing her head back against my chest.

"fuckkkk." tears flowed from her eyes as she squirted and i tutted in her ear.

"that's my girl."

i slowed down my fingers inside her pussy and miracle whimpered.

i removed my fingers and wiped them on my pants and miracle pants. i smiled down at her and within the next three minutes, we'd be arriving at our next destination.

"you're now my girlfriend." i grinned and miracle nodded.

"yes i am." she mutters, "even though i was forced to say yes."

i laughed.

miracle pulled up her dress and i just realized something.

"where's your underwear, miss thompson?"

miracle grinned cheesily and i narrowed my eyes at her.

"it would get in the way of whatever plans i know you had for me plus it was extra pain on my ass."

fair, fair.

"im letting it slide this one time."

i said as i moved away from her. her eyes fell to my pants and she smirked.

"look at the mess i made."

she was talking about my boner and her juices that were all over my pants. i laughed and shook my head.

"i could care less about that."


yay so they're officiallll.

plan a - completed🫱🏽‍🫲🏾

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