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"im in love with gogo," tiffany sang as she whipped her hair.

felony squeezed my butt and i scrunched my nose at her.

"you're not about to get horny on me."

"you're wearing nothing but skimpy underwear with your core resting right over my dick and you expect me not to?"

"i've been sitting here for the past few minutes now."

"you're fidgeting."

"i am not."

she gave me a look and i grinned. i know i was.

"i think we should all take a holiday to hawaii," brittany chirped and i nodded in agreement.

"yes," i immediately piped up and felony looked at me

"you wanna go?"

i nodded.


i nodded excitedly and she smiled at my excitement.

"pack your bags, baby, because we're going to hawaii!" felony announced and i grinned.

i love her.

i felt the need to tell her so i did.

she squeezed my waist and repeated back the four words to me. i love you too.

it warms my heart hearing it from her.


everyone went to bed but i couldn't help but think about marie.

i got up from bed and looked at felony who was sound asleep. i got up from the bed, putting on my bed slippers and went downstairs to where she was being held.

i looked at her and my heart felt it for her.

she was bloody. blood stained her clothes that she had on from the night when she came over to visit me.

i left the room and went for the first aid kit, a bucket of water and a rag and went back to marie.

i realized that she was asleep so i cut the ropes from around her arms and feet and laid her down on the ground.

i raised her shirt, avoiding the knife and damped the rag. i cleaned the dry blood and after i was finished, I treated the wound and then moved to the other.

marie woke up when i removed the knife from her and let out a gasp.

i shushed her and pressed my hand on the wound. i cleaned the dry blood the best that i could and then bandaged the open wound that was fresh.

"does she know you're down here?" marie asked me and i shook my head.

"she's asleep."

i finished cleaning her stomach and then moved to her legs and cleaned the blood.

a peaceful silence formed between us as she let me do my thing.

after i finished bandaging her, she smiled gratefully at me and i helped her stand. she held onto me tightly as she stabled herself.

"why?" she asked, "after everything i did."

i smiled grimly and said, "i know you can change and i know that it was out of pure idiocy. call me an idiot myself for not letting them kill you but i believe in second chances."

marie smiled at me, "thank you."

i nodded and led her out of the empty room and towards the kitchen. i made her sit on one of the stools and grabbed bread and peanut butter and made her a sandwich. i also gave her oj and let her eat. in the meantime, i made her another sandwich, packed her some tin food and chips and juices and placed the bag on my back.

i led her to the garage and got in.

i took up the car key that felony drives most and opened the car. i opened it and checked inside of the car.

yep, she has money in there.

i walked back to marie and helped her to the car.

i drove towards my father's house and parked the car, taking the money out of the pocket of felony's car. i opened the garage and went inside. i got in the black jeep and reversed it out of the garage.

i got out and looked at marie.

"take this and leave. leave the country and go somewhere else. i don't care where, just go." i said and handed her the car keys and the money.

marie looked at it and then at me.


"no. just go."

she nodded and walked towards the jeep and got in.

i watched as she drove off and went back into felony's car and sighed.

she's finally out of our lives.

i got in the car and drove back to felony's.

i sighed as i walked into the house and rest the keys in the basket and i saw felony sitting down on the couch.

"what are you doing up?" i asked her softly as i went to her.

"i felt you get up and i heard the car driving out so i decided to wait for you until you get back." she said and i sat down beside her.

i rest my head on her shoulders and she pecked my forehead

"you're a good person, miracle."

i didn't say anything as i stared at the tv.

"i love you." she whispered and i looked up at her.

"i love you."


the intrusive thoughts: let marie stab her and run away and create unnecessary drama

epilogue nexttttt

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