janet and toys

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the days in los angeles was done and felony had hired a private driver

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the days in los angeles was done and felony had hired a private driver. she did work sometimes and she also replied back to the email that stated it would leak the images. we haven't gotten back any response as yet Jr we weren't worrying.

i sighed as i left the hotel with the dogs on leash. i didn't have any bags because i didn't purchase anything sentimental nor buy any clothes in los angeles. the entire room was cleared out of any belongings that we may have had there.

i wonder where'd felony get these people from to hire.

i didn't question it, being happy that there weren't any bags.

we walked towards the black tinted suv and felony opened the door for me. i ushered the dogs in and climbed in. felony climbed in after me and closed the door.

"to my house," felony said and the driver nodded and drove off from the hotel.

felony turned to me and placed a hand on my thigh.

"my sisters are arriving tomorrow." she informed me, "they want us to have dinner at home. i already explained to them that im dating you and that david and i cancelled our engagement."

i nodded.

"surprisingly, they were rather happy about the cancellation." felony stated and i chuckled.

the dogs curled up against one another on the seat and i removed the leash so that they'd be more comfortable.

"did you get back a reply from the person?" i asked her and felony shook her head.

"not yet."

i hummed.

"i also have to inform you that i have an interview later at 6 so i'll be out."

"what time will you be back?"

"eleven the latest." she said and i nodded.

felony's hand trailed up my thigh and inched closely to my core. her pinky rested right between my slit and i swallowed.

im regretting not wearing a skirt.

she tapped my thigh and spread my legs and unbuttoned my pants. she zipped it down and pushed her hand in my pants. my jaw slightly dropped when she started to rub me through my underwear.

i let out calm breath to control my moans.

i looked in the rear mirror to see if the driver was looking but he wasn't. just as my eyes was about to flutter shut, he looked in the mirror at me and gives me a wide smirk.

my cheeks turned dark and he looks away, chuckling to himself.

felony tsked in my ear, "how does it make you feel knowing that richard saw me rubbing your pussy and your flushed face?"

i gasped when she moved my underwear to the side and used her finger to rub up and down my slit. she brought another finger to my exposed pussy and brought both of them down to my entrance.


my sentence was cut short when she pushed her fingers inside my walls. my back arched slightly and i whimpered lowly.

"shh, shh. don't be loud now." felony moved her fingers in and out of me, the furthest she could bring her hand back with the pants restricting her movements.

"you never answered my question, baby." felony reminded me, referring to her question from earlier, "how does it make you feel?"

"i-i don't know," i said with flushed cheeks as i recalled richard smirking at me through the mirror.

felony hummed in question.

"i didn't... mind it," i responded. i knew she'd edge me if i didn't answer her question, i know of her ways.

"mhm, but how'd it make you feel?" felony asked me in a hushed voice. i squirmed as the familiar knot formed in my stomach, trying to gain more friction rather than her painfully slow fingers.

"did his gaze make you feel dirty? like a little slut who's willing to take it whenever, wherever i give it to her?"

i nodded fastly, unable to get the words out. i knew i'd moan if a verbal response came from me. it wouldn't be a soft moan but a loud one.

"don't you dare cum." she said in my ear, "make a turn and stop at janet and toys. i have a few things to get there."

richard nodded and he turned off from the familiar road.

felony removed her fingers from my cunt and my pants and licked off her fingers. she tapped my thigh.

"you're coming with me so fix up yourself."

i nodded, feeling a little humiliated at how i was just whining and heaving as she fingered me and knowing that richard saw.

the car soon parked in the parking lot to a store that had a few customers inside. felony got out and i did too, leaving the dogs in the car.

we walked into the shop and i was surprised when i realized it was a sex shop.

my jaw fell loose and i looked around at the numerous sex toys that were being displayed - dildos, buttplugs, nipple clamps, ropes, cuffs, paddles and so much more.

the people in the store casually looked and pointed at the toys like it was usual for them. it probably is but for me!

felony walked towards this section where that wrote 'submission' and i held on to her hand.

"anything you see and like, let me know and we'll buy it. even if you've never tried it out before and would love to try it out." she said and i nodded slowly as i took in the scene around me.


we ended up buying dildos, cuffs, feet restraints, lube, a whip, a paddle, gags, numbing cream, nipple clamps and vibrators, vibrating underwear, vibrating toys and a vibrator. i avoided the buttplug simply because i wasn't interested in trying anal. it just wasn't my thing.

we walked back to the car after purchasing the items and richard asked felony if she was ready.

"yes. the next stop is at wendy's."

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