besties time

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i said i was gonna update sunday? my bad🤭
ps - got back my phone alsooo

i said i was gonna update sunday? my bad🤭 ps - got back my phone alsooo

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march 25

it's almost been a month since i've been staying with felony.

dad left yesterday. felony and i accompanied him to the airport, unsuccessfully hiding from the paparazzi. they caught dad and felony kissing and it only caused a steamy topic on the internet.

i also got a page! yay!

note the sarcasm.

it was something along the lines of "millionaire david thompson daughter seen escorting him at the airport in a dashing–" and whatever it is that i was wearing.

why is the media so dramatic?

then for the three of us, it said, 'family goodbyes are the hardest'.

if only they knew.

when we got back in the car, she literally kissed the fuck out of me.

and no, we didn't have a personal driver because dad and i are both capable of driving and felony didn't have one either. it's only right if celebs have one, right?

only when going to big events we hire somebody.


felony had to go in today so that would've left me home alone if i didn't call marie. even though i love my company, nothing beats having my best friend around.

"clexa," i said, pointing a biscuit at her.

"no, clarke and bellamy are the it."

"she fell for lexa even harder." i argued.

"so? girl, if clarke made it to space with them when praimfaya hit, then they would've been together instead of bellamy and echo."

i stayed silent.

true but still.

i dropped the topic and marie laughed, "you cannot take losses for shit."

i mimicked her and she exited the movie and browsed through some other ones. she looked at the time and i did, too.

"it's 7:53p.m and felony isn't home yet?" she asked and i hummed.

"she normally gets home at 8," i responded, "well it depends."

"depends on what?"

"girl, how much she has to do and whatnot. she has paperwork and to keep track of meetings. she's been working from home for the past few days and she has a lot to catch up on."

ann-marie nodded.

"i wouldn't know because i have in experience in business."

i hummed and took up my phone just as a notification came up.

felony❤️ - fast food or cooked food?

- cooked. haven't had some good food in my system for a while now.

felony❤️ - what do you want?

- anything. if you're getting chicken, i don't eat the breast. take either the leg, wing or thigh.
- bring me a coke, too along with two snickers <3

felony❤️ - noted, mama

i smiled and closed her chat and rest my phone down.

"i am most definitely staying tonight," ann-marie said and i laughed.

"oh sure. i have zero problems with that."

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