pool party

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"what's gonna happen to marie?" tiffany asked and brittany looked up in confusion

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"what's gonna happen to marie?" tiffany asked and brittany looked up in confusion.

"marie marie?" brittany asked and tiffany nodded.

"yes, marie marie." she looked down at her phone before looking up, "i vote we kill her."

brittany nodded in agreement and so did arielle.

felony raised her eyebrows.

"back it up. she," felony points to me, "gets to decide."

they all looked at me waiting for an answer and my eyes widened.


"so?" brittany did a motion with her hand as they waited for me to answer.

did i really want to be the cause of marie's death?

she's my best friend. even though this was unexpected and nothing could've prepared me for it, i still feel for her.

"she lives." i said slowly and they looked at me like i had two heads.

"wait, what'd she do?" brittany asked, clearly not filled on what went down.

i gave her a quick summary and she nodded in understanding.

"and why are you not agreeing to killing her?"

"because she's my friend," i said, "despite what she did, i know she had good intentions and didn't know how to act them out."

felony laughed and shook her head. she relaxed on the couch, man-spreading and my pussy tingled.

"you are one soft motherfucker," tiffany said and shook her head, "how can  you–"

i raised my hand, cutting her off.

"it's not really a 'how can i' situation. let her off as a sign that says leave us alone and don't interfere."

"and if she does again?" arielle asked.

"then i guess that'll leave me with no choice."

felony motioned for me to come and sit in her lap and i got up from where i was seated and went over to her. i placed my butt right over her crotch and turned in her lap so that i was seated sideways. her arm wrapped around my waist and she pressed her lips to my cheek.

"i love you."

"you love my pussy, not me," i whispered back to her and she chuckled.

"i love it, yes, but i may love you even more."

i smiled and arielle smirked at me knowing and i squinted my eyes at her.

she made a circle with her two fingers and then used her pointer to do an in and out motion. i chuckled and threw one of the couch cushions at her. she caught it with a smile and i shook my head in amusement.


"pass a light beer," i said to arielle and she threw me one and i popped the cork open on the side of the pool and turned it at my head.

felony took it from my hands and i huffed.

"i don't like you drinking, princess."

"give it back," i pouted.

felony raised the beer out of my reach and i pouted.


she sighed.

"just this one."

i grinned and she handed me the beer and i gulped it down without a second thought. she pecked my forehead and asked arielle to throw her one. she opened it and i bumped my bottle against hers. she shook her head in amusement before turning the bottle to her head.

"food's ready!" tiffany yelled as she came out of the house in her two piece with the tray in her hand. she walked by the pool and gave us our food. i placed the beer down and climbed out of the pool.

my feet swayed in the water as i took up the plastic plate and bit into the chicken.

"this is good," i said and tiffany grinned from across the pool.

she prepared jerked chicken. she served it with four slices of bread.

marie would love this.

"felony, your phone is ringing!" brittany said as she looked down at the screen. she brought it over to felony and she looked at the phone and frowned.

"who is it?" i asked her upon seeing her reaction.

she turned the phone screen to me.



ginny and georgia.

haven't watched that bc it looks like shit tbh but from the first few episodes that i watched, i hate ginny😭 she's such a try hard imo

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