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the hot air balloon landed on the ground and i saw felony's car a few meters away

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the hot air balloon landed on the ground and i saw felony's car a few meters away.

as if sensing my confusion, she spoke up, "i had someone drive it here."

i nodded and she opened the little door and we walked out of the hot air balloon. we walked towards her car and felony opened the door for me. i got in and she closed it, going around to the driver's side.

*there's more places to go?" i asked and felony smirked.

"about 5 left."

i looked at the time in the car.

it was 5:05pm!

my jaw went slack and felony laughed at my reaction.

"im kidding. there's two left."

i nodded and she drove off of the curb of the road and onto the main.


we signed into a hotel, the lady at the front desk already knowing who felony was — i mean who wouldn't? considering her status, i'd say she has privileges.

a lot of people didn't know me as david's daughter and i was happy for that.

i took off my clothes as i entered the shower. i let the water flowed down my body, standing underneath it for a moment. 

i need to set this date down, the 17th of june - the day felony and i became official. 

i smiled at the thought - girlfriend. i get to call her my girlfriend now. 

i was so lost in my thoughts that i didn't realize felony came in the shower with me. her arms wrapped around my waist as she pulled me into her naked body and pressed a chaste kiss to my lips. 

"what are you thinking about?" she mumbled and i smiled softly.

"us, how i get to call you my girlfriend now." 

felony smiled back at me and i turned around in her arms and wrapped my arms around her neck, the water flowing down our bodies.  

"you've always been mine but it was a matter of time before i made it official with you." 

i nodded and i asked felony the next question pondering my mind, "are you going to let the media know?"

"i'll keep it away as long as we can, baby." felony said and i nodded.

i pushed everything away from my mind about her status and paparazzi but she speaks up again.

"my sisters are coming to america in the week to visit us," she said, "i wanted to tell you before i forget and then you get angry at me for knowing and not telling you." 

i smiled at how adorable she is and pecked her lips.

"what should i be prepared for?" i know that everyone has a little crazy to their family and i have never once seen or heard anything about her family so i had no clue what to expect, "and how many is sisters?" 

"two sisters, twins." she answered, "they're arrogant and selfish. brittany is the terrible one. she's judgmental and very bossy. tiffany is very bitchy." felony folds her lips in a thin line, "i know it sounds terrible of me to speak down on my sisters but i can't stand them. if you were ever to disrespect them, then i wouldn't be angry at you."

i looked at her in understanding and turned to get the wash cloths. 

"lets shower and get your mind off of your sisters. im sure they'll be just fine," i said and felony took the wash cloth from me and smiled down at me.

"i love your positivity but i know them." 


short chapter. i am also gonna skip the dinner, nothing exciting, and get to the goods

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