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elaine levine has never been one to like the sound of pure loudness, like screaming kids, chaotic traffic, loud obnoxious laughs, yelling or any kind of noise that makes you automatically get a pounding headache.

as she stood there in front of her dark blue colored locker, listening to the loud sounds of students chattering, laughing, couples flirting and even some shouting through the entire school hallway, she already had a heavy headache.

a painfully annoying sigh leaves her lips as she basically prays for the headache to disappear as fast as it came while her ears continued listening to the loud students around her.

this couldn't get any worse.

"having trouble already, levine?"

of course it can get worse.

she didn't even try to hide her eye roll as elaine turns her head into the direction to her left side, looking past her locker door to see the annoying face of none other than matthew sturniolo.

her eyes immediately catch sight of his hands fumbling with the lock of the locker next to her.

and of course their lockers are next to each other.


"my eyes are up here." matt teasingly spoke, having noticed her eyes trailing to his hands which made the blonde girl only scoff at his smug face.

"really? I didn't even notice." elaine only responds with sarcasm dripping off of her words as she's way too tired to deal with matt in the morning.

matt took notice of that too, obviously. "sounds like someone tries to get rid of me."

"who wouldn't, Matthew." she only fires back with a sarcastic grin taking over her features, before she swings her backpack over her shoulder and slams her locker door shut, leaving the brunette boy behind without any other words.

elaine could feel the glare, that could send her six feet underground, on her and she knew it was from matt. So, she only raised her hand, flipping the brunette boy off without giving him another glance before she disappeared out of his eyesight.

▬▬ 〄 ▬▬

"hey girlfriend."

the bright smile appearing on elaine's face could have been seen miles away as she heard the familiar voice of her best friend.

the blonde girl looked up, watching as vera sat down in the seat in front of her with a wide grin.

"hey gorgeous." elaine responds back with a teasing smirk which made vera snort as she fully faced her best friend.

vera puts her arms on top of the chair, leaning her head lazily on them before she innocently smiled at elaine with that certain look, "I have something wonderful for you."

RIVALRY,, matt sturniolo Where stories live. Discover now