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a mutual silence was going through the room as both of the two didn't really know how to react. they stood there in utter silence with their eyes looking straight ahead at the bed, not even a blink was shared.

"fuck it."

matt watched as the blonde girl walked forward while putting her bag down onto the table along the wall. she pulled the crumbled piece of paper out of her bra to unfold it and lay it down on the table. then she unzipped her bag and started going through it, pulling clothing out one by one before she eventually walked past him to enter the bathroom.

when the door closed, he started moving. matt knew he probably looked so stupid, just standing there while he watched her without blinking once.

matt put his bag down on the opposite side of elaine's. he then grabbed onto his pajama's and laid them neatly down onto the table. a defeated sigh left his throat as his eyes wandered back to the flyer laying next to her bag.

he walked over to grab onto it.

the two of them where wanted by the police. matt thought that it was ridiculous, i mean they make it seem like the two murdered someone.

they simply ran over a highway, which isn't allowed. they made a dozen of cars crash and probably hurt some people too, which is not good. and then they ran away from it even tho they created the whole accident in the first place.


matt clicked his tongue while he laid down the piece of paper.

it did seem quite fair that the two where being searched. they did do something that is dangerous and then involved over people in it who got hurt during that.

the door of the bathroom opening up brought the brunette boy back to reality and away from all the bad thoughts.

"bathroom's free."

his blue eyes wandered to her. she wore dark blue tight shorts that hugged her thighs perfectly and a dark purple oversized shirt that hung on her body. her hair was wet, being freshly washed as it fell down her shoulders. her makeup was completely wiped away from her face, leaving only her natural features shining through.

for some reason, he couldn't pull his eyes away from her. the way her eyes seemed to glimmer in the dim light, or the way her hair was shining even though it was wet, or the way she simply looked absolutely beautiful in this very moment. he's never seen her like this before.

"matt?" elaine asks after he stared a bit too long at the blonde girl.

"yeah?" matt answered, grimacing at the absolute voice crack that went through his low voice.

she cracked a smile at him before grabbing her phone and her phone cable to finally get some battery back.

matt stopped staring at her and decided to take his turn in the bathroom. he grabbed his pajama's and the things he needs before disappearing inside of it.

when he came back out of the bathroom, his eyes catched onto the figure laying underneath the sheets. he noticed that she didn't move anymore and knew she was asleep. he couldn't even blame her to fall asleep this fast.

but he never asked if it was okay if they sleep in the same bed and he didn't feel good about it to just lay down besides her.

matt made the lights out besides the small one by his nightstand before he crawled onto the bed to lean over the blonde girl. he took a good glimpse of her face, seeing that her eyes where closed and her face completely relaxed for once. it took him a few more seconds to wake her because he decided to completely take in how peaceful the girl looked while sleeping.

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