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!mention of alcohol!

stacy winter was absolutely perfect.

elaine had no doubt in that as her eyes trailed along the female that was currently swaying around the fire with her friends, dancing like there's no tomorrow. she couldn't blame matt for falling for this girl. she was flawless indeed.

"you still there?"

her eyes trailed off of the dancing girl and towards the beautiful face she's been looking at the whole night.

phillip raised his eyebrows when the blonde girl let out a giggle when she looked at him. but he couldn't help the own grin that was forming on his lips.

"why are—" phillip didn't get to end his sentence when all of the sudden, elaine reached her arms upwards to lazily swing them around his neck where she felt her way towards the sharp edges of his jaw. she felt the way his skin shuddered under her gentle touch and she loved it.

elaine didn't waste much time to collect his lips into her own ones after she saw the way his eyes flickered down to her plumb lips. he immediately responded too as he put the cup inside his hand down on the table, next to elaine's own one, before reaching out for her waist to pull her closer.

a sudden body colliding with the kissing pair made phillip separate from her warm lips and turn around to glare at the person who ran into them. elaine wasn't so pleased either as she barely managed to keep her balance while she squinted her eyes towards the person that stood by them.

"my bad, man."

she could recognize that voice everywhere.

"are you fucking kidding me?" elaine spat out as she send daggers into matt's eyes, who where glistening with what seemed to be slight anger but his face showed a lazy grin on his lips.

"didn't see you there." matt mumbled out with defensively raised arms before he decided to walk right through the pair, which made them separate completely, even tho there was plenty of space to walk around them to reach the table.

the two awkwardly separated, both with annoyed looks as matt stood now in between them with his eyes glancing along the bottles.

"there's so much choices, wow!" matt spoke out, showing the enthusiasm in his words but elaine knew him better than that and could clearly tell the difference between his fake emotions and his real ones.

elaine stepped forward, getting closer to the brunette boy who glanced her way when he noticed her face besides his own one, "what are you doing?"

"getting something to drink?" matt asks back with furrowed eyebrows, putting the innocence act on as he grabbed one of the pepsi bottles standing on the table.

elaine only glared at him as she glanced past his way to look at phillip who was sending absolute daggers at matt.

"let's go elaine." phillip suddenly spoke up as he reached around matt to tightly grab onto elaine's wrist which made her wince out of instinct, of how he practically crushed her skin.

matt couldn't help but react quickly when he heard the painful wince that came out of the girl besides him. he turned around to harshly shove phillip backwards which made the boy stumble and let go of elaine in the progress.

elaine gasped in surprise at that sudden action as she watched how phillip barley managed to catch himself on his hands before he fell on his ass.

"what the hell, man!" phillip yelled out in anger as he stood back up to walk right up into matt's face. matt didn't back down even tho phillip was a few inches taller, he stood his ground and especially covered the blonde girl from reaching phillip.

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