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"are you gonna start talking or?"

"what do you want to hear?" matt asks with a sigh as he plops down on the barstool standing around the kitchen island.

nick only rolled his eyes at his brother's words before he looked over at chris, who seemed to be just as confused as matt is.

"what happened with elaine?"

matt almost choked on his root beer when his brother bluntly pointed that out. his eyes looked up at nick, who stood on the other side of the island with his look, glaring him down.

"what happened with her?" matt decides to play clueless which nick didn't buy at all.

"don't give me that bullshit." nick only replies with annoyance as chris still looked between his two brothers with a frown.

"nothing happened? i don't know what you want from me." matt says, forcing a chuckle out midways while his eyes glance over towards chris, who now squinted his eyes at matt, clearly noticing how nervous he got.

"you're lying." chris pointed out which made matt scoff.

"of course he is." nick only added as he threw his arms into the air.

"i'm not!" matt defended himself, his eyes glaring at nick. he knew exactly that he was lying right now but he couldn't tell them what he did. he knew they wouldn't understand.

"alright! then don't tell us, but don't speak to me at all until you stop fucking lying." nick only spats out with his jaw clenched before he stormed past matt, who tried to grab after his brother but he dodged his hand and walked right into his room, slamming the door extra harshly behind him.

matt sighed loudly as he pinched his nose between his fingers. he watched as chris only shook his head before he also left the kitchen and headed upstairs.

matt could only sit there in silence, knowing that he shouldn't lie. especially not to his brothers. they where only trying to help after all, but he was afraid that nobody could help him anymore.

a sudden chime from his phone made matt pull it out of his pocket to take a look.

for some reason, he hoped that elaine texted him. he still had her face inside his head, the way you could read from it how her heart shattered. the way he looked after her earlier when she left his car with cinzia and vera. the way he had hoped she would turn around and smile at him like she did at the breakfast buffet, but she didn't.

and that was all his own fault.

his face ever so slightly fell with disappointment when he saw who texted.

I'm outside 😘

nonetheless despise him not even wanting to see her face, he still went out with her and eventually brought her back home, playing all lovey dovey with her like he actually loved her. he didn't. but he wish he did. because then everything would be so much easier than it was right now.

RIVALRY,, matt sturniolo Where stories live. Discover now