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!mentions of vomiting!
!emotional warning ( 😬 )!

after the breakfast ended, the group wanted all to hang out but matt didn't. he just felt so drained that he didn't have the energy to be around people.

so, he got thrown out at his house while the others continued to drive further and spend time with each other.

matt instead greeted his bed with a smile, changing his clothes before he threw himself inside of it and snuggling under the blanket.

he was having a peaceful sleep until he got woken up.


he grumbled into his pillow, pushing himself further into the coziness of his warm sheets. he tried ignoring the voice that was calling out his name, way too tired to even care.


a hand grasped his shoulder, giving it a gentle squeeze for him to answer but he only groaned in response.

when he realized that the person wasn't gonna leave him alone, he decided to just give up on sleeping any further.

"what?" he rasped out, his voice deep from his sleepy self while he tried to blink his eyes open.

"we need to talk."

that made matt awake quicker than he thought.

his eyes squinted in the darkness, his body turning towards the familiar voice.


"yeah, it's me."

matt sat up inside his bed, seeing her silhouette in the darkness as she sat on the edge of it with her body facing him.

"what-what are you doing here?" matt asks with confusion.

the group left him at home and drove somewhere else, he was confused at how they ended up at the house and especially how she ended up in his room. because elaine would never come to him on purpose.

"we came here after a while." elaine spoke with a small smile as she watched the sleep boy yawn.

matt nodded at her words, now knowing that everyone else was also here. his eyebrows furrowed when he started wondering for how long he must've slept. he reached his hand over to the nightstand, grabbing his phone before taking a look at how late it is.

his eyes widened when he realized that he slept for the whole entire day as it was already nighttime.

why did no one wake him up?

"god, it's so late already." matt joked out with his hands going to rub along his tired face before going through his messy hair.

he noticed that elaine didn't make another sound which made his eyes wander over to her, much to his surprise, she was already looking at him.

"you okay?" matt asks with slight concern at her utter silence.

"yeah." elaine whispers back, still with a smile on her face which made matt slightly overwhelmed.

since when was elaine this nice to him, and since when was she talking to him in the first place.

"you said you wanted to talk?"

RIVALRY,, matt sturniolo Where stories live. Discover now