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three months later

it's been three entire months since steve had asked her to be his girlfriend. three months, since elaine said yes. three months, since they've been together. and it's been three months, since elaine's been living in denial.

steve was awesome, she knew that. and there wasn't a reason to not fall in love with him because he was, simply, a perfect boyfriend. but for some reason, elaine didn't fall in love with him. for what reason, she didn't know herself. yet.

but she still liked him, so, she told herself that it simply needed time for her to actually fall in love with him. that had to be the reason for her, because there wasn't another way.

"where did that pretty head of yours disappear to?"

elaine snapped her eyes into his direction, only now realizing that she completely zoned out of her own reality, "sorry."

"it's okay." steve said with a chuckle as he leans forward to press a gentle kiss to her cheek which made an immediate smile appear on her face.

steve came over an hour ago, and the two took exactly 5 minutes to figure out what they should do. if elaine was being honest, she didn't even know how they both thought of that but they got the weird urge to bake christmas cookies, even tho it's literally june.

but they didn't care.

"you have a little bit..." elaine trailed her words off as she reached up to his cheek, which made him immediately lean down to let her wipe, whatever was on his cheek, off. the evil grin on elaine's face unfortunately was missed by him as she wiped his cheek dirty instead of clean.

giggles escaped her throat when she leaned backwards to see the frosting being smudged against his cheek. steve must've felt it because he slowly turned his head into her direction with a raised eyebrow that almost seemed challenging.

"you didn't."

"i did."

and the food fight broke out after that as they started chasing each other around the kitchen, throwing and smearing frosting all over each other.

the moment was adorable.

until it ended.

the constant dinging of her phone, made elaine eventually groan out loud as their fight came to an end and she walked over to pick it up. her eyes glanced across the phone screen, seeing that the group chat was blowing up. she went to put it on silent but her eyes got caught on the messages, where everyone seemed to be waiting for her to arrive, which made her give in.

milfs and dilfs 🔥🔥 + voldemort

smart ass 😒 - elaine
he-who-must-not-be-named - matt
girlfriend stealer 🤡 - chris
the real nicki minaj ‼️- nick
SINzia 👺 - cinzia
garden gnome 🤣 - vera

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