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!little bit sad ( i love torturing y'all )!

matt had a mission.

he was gonna safe elaine's reputation, he would let all the lies disappear that have been told about her and he was going to make sure that no one would even think about stopping him.

he thought about his plan at least a million times. he was sure of what he was gonna do, it would get him in trouble but he didn't really give a fuck.

he was leaning against the wall of the high school hallways, his eyes wandering around the empty place around him while he kept looking at the huge clock hanging down by the wall. it was when the pointer clicked onto the right number that the door at the end of the hallway opened up as clicking heels where heard. his intense gaze followed the blonde woman, who rushed through the hallway in her high heels before she disappeared around the corner.

matt pushed himself off of the wall as he walked up to the door, looking behind him before he slipped inside of the secretary room. he lurked inside the principal's office, seeing it empty as well which made him react quick as he walked around the secretary's desk. his hands glided across the smooth wood while he grabbed onto the tiny microphone that was used to deliver important things to the students throughout the whole school.

he looked over to the buttons, checking if the speakers of every corner in the school are all on. they where.

he took a deep breath before clicking onto the tiny button by the microphone, which made an awful sound echo through the school which made even matt grimace.

the sound was disgusting, screeching in your ears as it left a terrible tingling in your ears. the group of friends sitting at the cafeteria table all cringed at the sound.

"what the fuck!" cinzia shrieked as she held her ears in pain while her eyes glared up at the speakers that hung up in the cafeteria, "who's in charge of that thing?"

"dumb ass secretary." nick scoffed as he also glared up at the speakers.

"i want everybody to listen closely."

chris felt his eyes widen when a familiar voice echoed through the speakers, almost making the whole cafeteria turn dead silent. he could recognize matt's voice everywhere. what was he doing? nick now also took notice of his brother's voice and he buried his face into his hands with a head shake of embarrassment.

"is that...matt?" cinzia raises her eyebrows as she looks at nick for approval who only sighs.

"there's this girl, who's a really, really kind person and deserves more than the world could ever give her. you all know her, but not for the things that i wish you did. her name is elaine levine and all the rumors about her are fake."

vera looked over at cinzia with wide eyes, not expecting that matt would ever talk about it and cinzia seemed to think just like vera as her jaw dropped.

whispers and conversations broke out around the cafeteria as everyone seemed to drink those informations up like tea.

"what's he doing?" chris says with a very much confused face as he couldn't think of any reason that his brother would talk about elaine.

but how could he? chris didn't know anything and neither did nick.

"she isn't any of those names that you call her and i can proof that because...i was the one who made the rumor. me, matt sturniolo. i was the one who spread those lies and now, i'm the one who's telling you all that those rumors aren't true. she's a good person and never deserved any of this. she never deserved...what i did. i want you all to forget what you remember about her and i want you to see her in a new light from now on. she's wonderful and you would know that, if you gave it a try to know her."

RIVALRY,, matt sturniolo Where stories live. Discover now