oohh chuuya...

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"Ughhh, I'm so tired jeez. I hate mori and his stupid all day missions. It wasnt even necessary, he just wanted us to go kill a bunch of random guys" Chuuya complained walking with his hands in the back of his head, followed by akutagawa who looked rather like a lost puppy.

They walked down the path for about 5 minutes in a comfortable silence when chuuya spoke up.
"Hey, Akutagawa, say, let's go for a drink yeah, cause today was pretty shit, i wanna end it on a decent evening?" He said, yawning but still grinning. Akutagawa nodded reluctantly and followed him. Chuuya took them to a bar on a street a few corners away.

When chuuya walked inside, on of the baristas called his name and waved at them happily. She sat them at the bar and asked them what they would like. Chuuya asked for 2 umeshu tonics for himself and a lemon sour for akutagawa as that is what he always had when they went out drinking. Non surprisingly, chuuya finished both his drinks, and ended buying 3 more in the time it took akutagwa to finish one. The diablo giggled to himself as he saw how drunk his mentor was.

"OoOii, akUu~" the drunk ginger gargled "taKe me hoMe pleeAaseE~." Akutagawa scoffed with a smirk on his face and helped chuuya up. He wrapped his hand round the gingers small waist, while chuuya had his arm round his shoulder.

Way before they got to chuuyas road, they came across dazai who seemed to be waiting impatiently outside a clothing shop. He was tapping his foot and constantly checking his phone for the time. Akutagawa didn't want dazai to see him so tried to hide himself but chuuya gave it all away.
"He-*hic* heYy! YOu sTUPid macKeraL!" He grunted loudly, catching dazais attention. Akutagawa scoffed and looked away as dazai grinned and went over to take him from akutagawa.
"Heya chuu~ what you so drunk for?" He questioned while smirking, giggling happily.
"Noneeee.... business..." chuuya said, his words slurring and trailing off as his head started to keep dropping and his eyes started droopinh. Dazai held him in an awkward position but still stayed smiling. Akutagawa did however, feel relived to have less weight dragging him down as he walked.

While dazai was holding chuuya, akutagawa heard a familiar voice.
"Uhh, dazai, the lady asked me if I wanted to buy it all and I couldn't say no." The voice said, sounding disappointed. Everyone looked up and saw atsushi stood with 3 bags filled with clothes. He dropped one and tried to pick it up, dropping the rest. Chuuya saw this with his eyes half opened and started to laugh. Atsushis face was annoyed but not unhappy.

Akutagawa looked at atsushi in disgust as it was something he always did when he saw the tiger, even if he didn't mean to, before he started analysing his features.

He realised a lot of unique things the more he stared. The tiger had a small nose, which was quite pretty. As the sun was setting, it illuminated atsushis whole face with a warm pinkish-orange hue. Then and there was when akutagawa realised the tiger he had hated, was beautiful. More beautiful than he thought. The man in black never seemed to pay attention to his surroundings as he was always taught to keep his head down, but now, he couldn't keep his eyes away.

The sun had been hidden by clouds but when it returned, atsushis eyes brightened. Akutagawa realised that the tigers eyes were more georgous than he had ever known. Akutagawa tends to not look into other people eyes but in this one occasion, he couldn't do anything else than stare. Then a thought cane to akutagawas head, his eyes are like a marble. Crazy shapes and colours but most definitely beautiful to look at. Akutagawa was so mesmerised he didn't hear his name being called.

He finally snapped out of his trance to see atsushi looking concerned and dazai with an annoyed expression.
"Akutagawaaaaa, don't ignore mee!" He groaned. "I'm taking chuu home, so please, look after atsushi." Akutagawa looked confused.
"Dazai, mind my question, but why?" He said.
"Cause, look how dark it is, atsushi is afraid of the dark and crime is high at night." Dazai said, causing atsushi to get embarrassed. Akutagwa rolled his eyes at dazais request but agreed anyways.

Atsushi and akutagawa had walked off in the opposite direction the others.

Dazai woke chuuya up.
"Hello darling." He said softly, a warm smile spreading across his pale face. Chuuya grunted and fell back asleep. As the bandaged man picked chuuya up bridle style, he laughed quietly and walked to chuuyas home.

He placed chuuya in his bed as gently as possible, as not to wake him, and tucked him in. Right before he left, he planted a kiss on his sweet gingers forehead.
"Rest easy my darling, don't overdo it." He whispered gently. Saying that, he left the house, but was stopped.

He looked over to see chuuya, who hand a strong grip on dazais arm. All dazai could hear was small grunts which made out, 'don't go yet'. Dazai got into the bed next to chuuya and cuddled him.
"Honestly chibi, you're so fussy." He smiled, stroking the back of chuuyas head which eventually soothed him to sleep.

10 minutes later, dazai tool himself to the door to leave. What he didn't realise was that chuuyas door slef locks. He went and lead on the couch and decided to stay there, and leave In the morning.

951 words! Thanks for reading the first chapter my lovlies ♡

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