ngh~ not there~ (SMUT)

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Atsushi felt a jolt of some weird feeling rush through him, as akutagawa thrusted into him for the first time. A loud and submissive moan escaped him mouth. Akutagawa grinned at what he had started.

He took hold of atsushis waist and dragged him to him, thrusting again.
Atsushi leaned his head back as akutagawa thrusted slowly, holding his thighs. The pleasure rushing through both of them was crazy strong, causing the both of them to make noises. Akutagawa breathed heavily as he felt his tiger tighten around him.
"Atsushi.." he breathed, staring the weretiger down.

Atsushi felt the diablos grip on his thighs get stronger and it caused him to wince a little. The pain on his thighs was soon overrun with the pleasure of akutagawa inside him. Gradually, akutagawa picked up the speed and force of the thrusting. Atsushi threw his head back as akutagawa went faster and faster. His moans escaped and he no longer felt shame, only pleasure from akutagawas body against his. He felt around for the bed sheets behind him and pulled on it, gripping tightly as akutagawa thrust in hard.

"NGH~" atsushis back arched like a cats as akutagawa hit his prostate. He came and akutagawa grinned at the sight of the tiger covered in his own cum and his face twisting into a pleasured look. Akutagawa smirked and pulled out of him.

"A-aku? Why are you flipping me ove- HNGH~"

Akutagawa had rammed himself back into atsushi and watch as the tiger gripped at the sheets again. He took atsushis hands and pinned them above him as he held his waist. Atsushi felt his stomach get hot and warm as akutagawa thrusted. He had some sort of tingly feeling in him and it made him shudder.

After a few more rounds atsushi got brave. He pushed akutagawa and sat on him, sliding down onto his cock. He rode akutagawa like a horse and akutagawa was clearly enjoying it. As atsushi bobbed up and down on him, he felt so much pleasure. His head was hanging of the bed. Soon, he also felt brave and sat up with atsushi still on him. He grabbed atsushi and thrusted while they were sat.
(Looked like this)

After 2 more rounds they both were done

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After 2 more rounds they both were done. Atsushi rolled off akutagawa and lead in the bed breathing heavily. Akutagawa did the same.

"Ryu? I think we should clean up." He said putting his fingers on his stomach which ended up getting covered In (the sticky substance 👹).
"Yeah, we should." Akutagawa agreed.
"Yeah.. and uhm, it's really bad.. down there.." akutagawa gave a confused look then realised.
"Oohh, yeah, I'll help you with that." He smiled warmly.

Atsushi turned the shower on as they wanted it to be quick and easy. Atsushi cleaned his stomach on one side of the shower, and akutagawa cleaned the same along with his dick. Atsushi the stood against the wall with his ass out a little so akutagawa could help him clean. It took about 10 minutes, but they were all clean and fresh now.

Aku put on freshly washed pyjamas while atsushi put on the new pineapple ones akutagawa bought for him. He came out and showed akutagawa happily.
"So cute.." akutagawa mumbled as atsushi span round gleefully.
Atsushi climbed into bed with akutagawa and cuddled him. They put on a movie and atsushi fell asleep to it. It was only 2 o'clock in the afternoon so akutagawa thought it'd be best if he made tea. He opened the balcony door and sat on the couch for an hour or so and then started cooking. When he had finished, he was greeted with a small hug from atsushi, who'd just woken up from akutagawa calling him for tea. He sat on the couch and looked out the window, yawning. Akutagawa brought over the food and atsushi smiled gratefully. He put his hands together and thanked for the meal and dug straight into it.

"WOW AKU! this tastes amazing oh my god! I love your cooking so much! Please teach me, I want to cool for you one day so you can rest."
Akutagawa giggled and promised atsushi he'd teach him everything he needs to know about cooking and atsushi clapped happily. He kissed akutagawa on the cheek and thanked him.

When they had both finished eating, atsushi was washing up and drying everything while he sent akutagawa away. He wanted to help so he refused to let Akuatgawa help his do the dished. He even spread his arms out infront of the sink to block akutagawa from reaching it. He told Akuatgawa not to help and akutagawa gave in eventually. He had gone to the balcony and was leaning on the railing. Atsushi had finished putting away the last of the plates and went to join his lover.

"Baba?" He said in a sort of childish manner, "you doing okay?"
"Yeah it's just... nevermind." He said, not taking his eyes off the sunset. Atsushi grabbed his face gently and turned akus face to look at him.
"Listen babi, I'm not forcing, but you can tell my everything you need. I'll never judge." He smiled warmly and akutagawa gave in. He hugged atsushi and started crying happy tears.
"Dazai is proud of me. Atsushi... I did it, he's finally proud." He said, tightening the hug.

"Oh aku, dazai has always approved of you, he tells me all the time how strong he thinks you are. He just... never had the right words to say to you. He felt embarrassed being around you because of how he treated you. He loves you like a son, and he's sorry." Atsushi said softly, cupping akutagawas face. Akutagawa smiled and held atsushis face.

"I love you, my little tiger."
"I love you too dumbass."

Amd with that, they kissed in the sunlight.

995 Words!! This is my fav chapter so far i think, this or the beach date with soukoku.

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