i cant...

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While atsushi and akutagawa were all cuddled up in bed, chuuya and dazai had something else going on. Loud shouting and screaming came from the two of them.

Chuuya screamed at dazai who was stood there kind of embarrassed looking. He looked down and his feet but soon had to quickly jump out of the way. Chuuya flung a glass vase towards dazai smashing it into billions of peices. A few pieces flew passed dazai and grazed him, causing him to wince a little. Still he stood there and accepted the screams. Chuuya yelled even more, not realising a few tears fall down dazais face.

"Chuuya... please stop." Dazai whispered through a couple of tears. There was where chuuya realised how much he had hurt dazai. Chuuya ran to him and hugged him.
"Sorry dazai, I didn't mean to shout but you're being stupid, sorry for lashing out. But you can't keep making jokes like that, it's getting on everyone's nerves because people are actually suffering."

Dazai looked up, staring chuuya dead in the eye and said rudly.
"You think I make these jokes because I find it funny, it's my coping method nakahara. Havent you noticed i'm struggling? I know i I don't like people worrying about me which is why i dodnt day anything, but you know everything about me."
"No, don't fucling apologise. You out of all people should have noticed, I thought you loved me. You always knew I was struggling so why wouldn't I now? Fuck you and shove your fucking opinion up your arse." He scoffed, offended and hurt. Chuuya stared at him in shock as he watched dazai walk out of the room, wiping his arm across his face to dry the tears.

The two went a few weeks without talking. Eventually, the wave of regret and dispar found chuuya and it caused him a few breakdowns.
"How didn't i notice, how didn't i understand. Dazai was in trouble and i didn't notice. I've known him for over 4 years and I still, didn't, notice." Chuuya scolded himself. He clenched his hand into a fist and struck the wall, the brick
Crumbling in his knuckles.
"Damn." He whispered. Then he struck again. Saying 'damn' even louder. He got so mad at himself and kept hitting, causing himself to bleed. He hit and hit drawing more and more blood as he punched. Tachihara came in due to the noise he heard and restrained chuuya. The shorter fell to the floor is distress and buried his face in his hands, rocking back and forth.
"I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry." He whispered to himself, tachihara didn't know what to do so he put a comforting hand on chuuyas back, rubbing his hand in a circular motion on chuuyas back. Chuuya smacked his hand off.
"Respectfully, fuck off tachihara." He spat and tachihara scoffed annoyed and walked away.
"Suit yourself you ungrateful twat."

Mori walked past tachihara and saw his pissed off expression and stopped him. All mori did was raise an eyebrow and tachihara spilt everything that happened. Mori nodded and sent tachihara on his way.

A knock on the door startled chuuya and he shouted go away in annoyance and hope he would be left alone. Mori ignored chuuya and made his way in, standing with his arms crossed in the doorway.
"Tachihara is pissed at you." He grunted, clicking his tongue.
"Good." Chuuya growled, not meaning to be rude. Mori walked over and lifted chuuyas face so it was facing towards him. Chuuyas eyes glared through mori, annoying the man towering over him. Mori swiped the back of his hand across chuuyas face and wiped his hand in disgust. Chuuyas face went red as he felt a wave of shame and embarrassment flush through him. Tears filled his eyes but he just sat there and accepted it, thinking he deserved it when he heard a painful grunt come from mori.

"OW! WHO THE HELL WAS THAT?" mori screamed holding the back of his head which was bleeding. Someone's shadow in the doorway waved their fingers at him.
"My bad mori, it was me." The person sneered, walking into the light.

Mori stared, shocked and stunned.
"I-? DAZAI!?"

Dazai nodded and made his way past mori, glaring furiously at him, causing the evil man to back away. He helped chuuya up and kissed his cheek where he got slapped. Chuuya started to cry and snuggled into dazais chest, saying sorry repeatedly.
"I'm sorry dazai, I'm so so sorry. I didn't think about how you could have been feeling, I thought you were just being a giant dick head like normal." Chuuya wailed as dazai cradled him.
"Dont worry chibi, I'll always forgive you, no matter what." Chuuya smiled and hopped into to dazais back, whispering into his ear.
"Take me home, I'm tired."

819 words! Ill write a new one later tonight! ♡

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