my dearest osamu

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Few days after sskk's diddle time:

WHAT!?" Came a shout from the other end of the phone, "AGAIN ATSUSHI!? IM NOT HAVING YOU STAY OFF FOR ANOTHER DAY!" Kunikida yelled, filled with stress. Atsushi sneezed and coughed a little.
"I know kunikida but I'm very very ill, please, even if I'm ill tomorrow ill come in I promise." And with that, he hung up the phone. He coughed again and sighed as he got out of bed. He walked into the living room and was blinded by a bright sun rise. When his eyes adjusted, he saw an upset looking akutagawa.
"No no I'm okay, just a cold I think." Atsushi said.
"Atsu, you've been ill since the day after we did it, it wasn't because we did it though, you wouldn't get sick like this because of that."
Atsushi nodded shyly and walked over to him.

"Jinko. Whether you want to or not, we are going to the doctors."
Jinko nodded.


"DAZAI HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU. DO. NOT. BRING. ANY. MEMBERS. OF. THE. PORT. MAFIA. HERE!" kunikida screamed as chuuya was sleeping in dazais arms.
"Well he doesn't know and neither does mori sooo." He shrugged which accidently woke the sleeping mafioso.
He wriggled about a bit then realised he wasn't in a bed. He opened his eyes and saw dazai, the last thing he ever wanted to look at in the morning right now, was dazai. He jumped up and fell.
"DAZAI." He yelled, "WHAT THE FUCK?!" He looked around and saw kunikida. By the annoyed expression, dazai hadn't told anyone He was bringing someone here.

Looking back at dazai, he saw a sinister grin spreading across his face.
"ACK! DAZAI YOU FREAK!" He yelled panicked as he hid behind kunikida.
"Please save me" He whined. Dazai trued to walk over to chuuya when a loud bang could be heard from behind the door. The door flung open and akutagawa was stood there, a limp, heavy breathing atsushi in his arms.

Atsushi was taken into the infirmary and yosano took care of him. Akutagawa was sat next to chuuya biting his nails. Chuuya looked up at dazai who was pacing.
"He wasn't ill yesterday, it was so random. He started cleaning while I was cooking and I heard a crash and he was on the floor." He cried as chuuya was rubbing his back.
"He collapsed?" Dazai said seriously. Akutagawa nodded and placed his face in his hands and started to cry.
"I shouldn't have let him clean." He tried to wipe away his tears when dazai hugged him.
"Please, cry all you want. I know you think crying is weak, but it's not, and it's good to see you cry. Means you have feelings." Dazai whispered into his ear. It's almost as if he read the diablos mind. Akutagawa nodded and whispered a thank you.

Yosano walked into the room with a sad look. Akutagawa jumped up, noticing her face and his heart dropped.
"Is he... dead?" Yosano looked up and shook her head violently.
"No, definitely not. But I found something." She said, looking down at the floor. She looked back up, "Come." She signalled for them to follow and they did.


Atsushi was lead on the hospital bed and he looked pale. Akutagawa went to hold his hand wondering what yosano had found. She pulled the cover off of him and showed everyone his arms. They were filled with scars. Scars that he had put there himself.
"How could I have not noticed? The first night I walked home with him I grabbed his arm and left a mark so i checked it, but I didn't see anything. I couldnt have missed it?!" Akutagawa said, confused and disappointed.


Everyone turned to dazai who was panicking. Chuuya immediately knew what was wrong and took him outside the room.

"Dazai, dazai breathe, breathe. They look old, he hasn't done it for ages. I know it's worrying but calm down." Dazais breathing slowed and chuuya hugged him and stroked his hair.
"Sorry chuu, it just gave me flashbacks." Chuuya nodded and decided to take him home.
"I'm taking him home. He's in no fit state right now." Chuuya said and left without a response.

When they got back, dazau sat on the couch and rubbed his own arms.
"Osamu." Chuuya said, shocking dazai. He hadn't been called that in ages, "may I?" Chuuya asked, also holding dazais arms. Dazai nodded. Chuuya began to remove the bandages. Revealing deep scars. He took his arm as dazai looked away and kissed them. He gently kissed him arms for a few minutes then moved onto his neck. When he'd kissed every scar he could see, he whispered.

"Your scars are not ugly my dear, they are battle wounds from the past. Battle wounds from a war you won. And now, you're fighting another battle, but this time, with me. We are winning."

With what chuuya said, dazai hugged him and burns into tears. He hadn't cried in years. Tears fell down his face as chuuya cradled him. He fell asleep while crying and chuuya placed his head on his lap and stoked his hair. He got a pen out of his pocket and drew stars and on his wrist, kissed the semi colon tattoo and on the very back of his neck, kissed a butterfly tattoo.

"I love you, my dearest osamu dazai."

892 words!!! Thank you and I'm sorry if I upset anyone!!!

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