we have to go now!

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Atsushi and akutagawa were unpacking the stuff they brought from the apartment. Atsushi was worried about someone breaking in to their new home, so akutagawa ordered a lockdown for it. The doors and windows were bolted shut by a previously installed metal.

With dazai and chuuya, they were already unpacked but busy bickering about what side of the room they would sleep on. Eventually, atsushi git sick of the shouting as they were all sat in the living room. He grabbed chuuyas wrist calmly, and yanked at dazais ear, dragging them both into their room. He made them sit and they watched as he grabbed a double mattress from the storage cupboard, pushed the two single beds together and gestured his hand aggressively towards it.
"Chuuya, which side do you want?" Atsushi said gently, chuuya nodded his head towards the left and atsushi looked at dazai and glared.
"Dazai. On the right." He left the two and went back to his own love.

Akutagawa grinned and whispered, "guess you're the controlling one huh?"
Atsushi scoffed,
"As if." He then sat on akutagwas lap and grinded on him, smirking. Akutagawa breathed heavily and picked atsushi up by the thighs, still keeping him by his crotch.
"You messed up little tiger." He grinned, walking to the bedroom and locking the door.

Chuuya and dazai stared at each other as they closed the door after spying on the younger two. Dazai grinned while chuuya whispered congrats to aku, even though he couldn't hear what chuuya said. They shrugged. They both got out of their clothes and chuuya got into the bed. Dazai went to the bathroom and brushed his teeth.

Chuuya was in a shirt and shorts while dazai was wearing only his boxers. Dazai walked back into the room to see chuuya with a book in his hand and a whole ass mother fucking bottle of a wine. The redhead glared at the brunette as he held the bottle and slowly drank out of it. Dazai shook his head and smirked.

The ex mafioso got onto the bed and rolled ontop of chuuya, hovering above him. Chuuya drank more wine and put it down before sliding down from sitting up. He was now at dazais face. He lifted his head and kissed him, resulting in dazai kissing back. Before he knew it, dazai hand grabbed his wrists and was kissing him roughly. When they parted, they were out of breath. Dazai rolled over and dragged chuuya into him, once again, being a big spoon. He then draped the covers over them both and they soon fell asleep.

A few weeks later, when everyone had settled in, it was a late night and soukoku were fast asleep while atsushi and akutagawa were watching a movie. Later on, atsushi heard a loud bang. Atsushi stared stunned at where the noise came from, earning a confused look from akutagawa. He smiled and said he needed the toilet. He wandered into the hallway where he heard the sound and saw a shattered vase.

"R-ryu??" He said shakily. Akutagawa cane out and felt a bash on the back of his head. A headache waved over him instantly and he turned round, pinning a young man to the floor. The boy was about 15, he seemed scared. Atsushi walked it and pulled akutagawa off, grabbing the boy himself.
"WHAT DO YOU WANT!?" Atsushi growled, making his tiger eyes take over, scaring the boy even more.
"T-the g-government sent m-me!" He whimpered and cried. Atsushi glared and the boy spilt more.
"My name i-is M-makko a-and i-im 16, I only w-work for the g-government  b-because I don't m-make much money at all! S-sorry if i-i caused problems!" He screamed, burying his face in his hands, sobbing. Chuuya and dazai walked out die to the noise and stood shocked.

Atsushi asked if the mafia people knew where they were and the boy said no and he'd been searching for a few days until he found the place. They let him go but dazai didn't trust him and said that they all needed to leave. They repacked and left for another place chuuya knew about, it wasn't nearly as nice but it had 2 inside rooms which were bedrooms. It was under a bridge and had a large wall with 2 doors, showing the 2 rooms. Outside were 2 battered but comfy sofas and one couch with a fire in the middle. The bridge house was next to the beach.

In the evening, akutagawa came out in the middle of the night to see atsushi sat on a rug, watching the stars and listening to the sea. Akutagawa came and sat next to him and the little tiger retsed his head on akus shoulder. Eventually, he fell asleep and akutagawa carried him inside, cradling him in the bed.

844 Words! I won't be updating for a few days since I'm away, thank you for reading my lovlies xx

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