a-atsushi... (smut)

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IM BACKKK! the camping trip was good but now I must do more good and write again! Enjoy the new chapter my lovlies!

When they let the boy who broke into their old hideout ran away, he told the government about it and they shut down chuuyas bank account. All his money was locked in, so he had to contact someone from the mafia to hack it so he could receive and make payments.

Since they had to relocate, they had moved to a new place and had alrwady lived in it for a few good days. They were comfy and safe and hidden. Not even the mafia knows about the place chuuya found. It's on a private beach that not even the owners go to.

Chuuya found atsushi and akutagawa sat on the sofa in the morning watching the sun

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Chuuya found atsushi and akutagawa sat on the sofa in the morning watching the sun. He ran to them excitedly.
"GUYS, GUYS! My bank account has been reactivated so I can purchase stuff! I've ordered 2 tvs, decent beds and a toilet installation!" He grinned, jumping up and down, "OH YEAH! and the rooms are being sound proofed since me and dazai fight so much!!!"
Atsushi stood up and ran to chuuya and they both started giggling together like 2 school girls talking about crushes. Dazai woke up and walked outside to see chuuya explaining where everything was going to go.

When the stuff had arrived and had been installed (apart from the toilets), it was quite late. Everyone went to soukokus room since it was the biggest, and they put a movie on. Atsushi and akutagawa were cuddled on the right of the bed, while dazai had chuuya between his legs on the left. Atsushi ended up falling asleep so akutagawa carried him back to their room when he decided it was time to leave. Before he closed chuuyas door, he could hear then start to argue, then when it shut, silence.
"Hmm, guess the sound proofing does work." He mumbled.

He carried atsushi into their own room and tucked him in, still silence from the room next door. He wanted to test it out even more as he didn't know how well sound proofing worked. He banged on the wall and shouted chuuyas name, no response. He shrugged and turned to atsushi who was sat staring at him with a baffled look.
"I- was-...I was testing the sound proofing chuuya mentioned." He said boldly. Atsushi crawled to the end of the bed and Akutagawa walked over. Atsushi rested his head on akutagwas chest.
"You're noisy." Was all akutagawa said.
Atsushi stared at him.
"Does the soundproofing work?"
Akutagawa nodded.

Atsushi sat up on his knees and got to akutagawas eye level. He whispered,
"Want to test it?
Akutagawa grinned and grabbed atsushis face, kissing him roughly. He undressed himself, still kissing atsushi and leaving his pants still on. He pushed atsushi so he was ontop of him and shoved his toungue in atsushis mouth. The tiger moaned at the aggressive movements, enjoying every moment.

When they were both undressed and akutagawa was busying himself with preparing his lover, atsushi said,
"How hard can you go? I don't want to be able to walk tomorrow." Akutagawa stared at him and then grinned lustfully.
"Well have to see won't we."

Akutagawa had gone 3 rounds ramming into atsushi as gard and he thought he could, but apparently, atsushi wasn't satisfied.
"M-more.." his eyes were filled with lust and confusion. He pushed the diablo so he was sat on his crotch and grinded on him. Akutgawa moaned. The tiger kissed akutagawa with his toungue and kept grinding his dick on akus.
"A-atsushi... stop teasing." Akutagawa warned. The weretiger grinned and decided to do something ridiculous. He activated his ability, but only partly. He got his ears, fangs and tail out.
"Heh, rawr." He said sexually. Akutagawa grabbed Atsushis hips and pulled him down onto his own dick. Atsushi moaned loudly as akutagawa went harder than he did earlier.


Akutagawa grinned at the little mess he'd made and let go. Atsushi came but obviously wasn't done. He bobbed himself up and down and then, took the whole of akutagawa inside him. He then started grinding again, this time with akutagawa inside. He heard akutagawas grunts and they both finished.

They went to clean up and snuggled on the couch when they had finished. Instead of going back to bed, they sat outside and watched the stars.

Akutagwa held atsushi close and snuggled him tight. Atsushi then said,
"I quite like how we are now, enemies to lovers is quite popular yknow."
Akutagwa giggled at atsushi and kissed his forehead gently. The sound of the waves soothed them and atsushi dragged akutagwa to his chest and made aku listen to his heartbeat.
"I love you ryu."
And with that, they fell asleep, watching the stars and the moonlight.

836 WORDS! I made it spicy for an apology for being away! Hope you enjoyed!!

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