Atsushi Darling

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Akutagwa woke up to a strange, heavy feeling in his chest. He decided to ignore it and stretched. He the reached out to the side of him trying to hold atsushi, but there was nothing. His eyes were still closed as he moved his hand up and down to find atsushi was not there. He opened his eyes confused as he couldn't remember where they were for a second. When he remembered he grinned and felt safe and at home again.

Sliding out of bed, he felt something crunch beneath his feet. A cardboard box? He picked it up and read the little note sellotaped to the front of it.

'my dearest ryunosuke, I have had to borrow your little atsushi for some time. Feel free to come get him at 4:00pm and please don't worry. The place is ###########. Your sister, gin"

Akutagwas heart dropped while reading then when he read the name he calmed down instantly. He opened the box to find a pair of black heeled boots. He grinned and put them on, seeing another note.

'hi baby, I was going to tell you I was going out with gin today but you were asleep and I know you struggle with sleeping so I left you this. Here is the pair of shoes you've wanted but never had time to get as thank you gift for what you've done for me these past 8 months. I've been saving up secretly for at least 6 weeks now xx. Love you ryuu, don't worry about me. Atsushi x.'

Akutagwa felt a happy tear gently roll down his cheek as he read the note.
"oh atsu, you're far too good for me." akutagwa thought to himself as he put on his favourite outfit. He didn't feel vulnerable in his own home or with atsushi so he normally leaves rashomon on his chair. He walked out with a fancy white t-shirt and leather black pants, and the boots. He decided that he wouldn't wear any other shoes from now on.

Sitting on one of the chairs in the balcony with his coffee, akutagwa felt the heavy feeling in his chest again. He once again decided to ignore it.

He wanted to tell atsushi but knew it would draw atsushi away from his work so he decided to keep it to himself.

A few days passed and the constant pain in his chest didn't stop and got worse. Atsushi was away with gin a lot since the first time so akutagwa felt like he couldn't tell him. He didn't want to distract him.

Atsushi, once again was away with gin and akutagwa had yet another pain, but this time making him feel dizzy aswell. He grabbed his shirt at his chest area was and bent over in agony. The pain was so much worse this time and his breathing went uneven. He felt himself loose consciousness. He collapsed knocking a glass table over, causing it to shatter.

"hold on gin, I've got a phone call."
"is this atsushi nakajima?"
"uhm.. Yeah, who's asking?"
"you're downstairs neighbours."
"oh right, hello, how can I help? Also, are you okay? You sound worried."
"Mr nakajima please don't freak out but we heard a shattering noise from upstairs and we went to check, and I believe you're roommate has suffered a few injuries. The paramedics have just collected him but I thought it would be best to tell you."
"t-thank you ma'am, I appreciate I-it. Which h-hospital is he a-at?" atsushi stammered.
"#######. I'm sorry my dear."
"it's alright, t-thank you s-so much."

The call ended and atsushi began to freak out. He was hyperventilating and it caused gin to get concerned.
"akutagwas hurt. Gin... He's hurt, we have to go to hospital."
Gin started to panic aswell.
"o-ok. Get on my motorbike."

They rode to the hospital and burst into akutagwas room. They found him awake but looking really weak. Atsushi ran to him and cuddled him.
"how long has this been going on?" atsushi asked akutagwa sternly but akutagwa stayed silent. The nurse told atsushi that it was possible these episodes had been happening for weeks. Atsushi face grew worried as he asked what it could be.

"do you know is Mr akutagwa has any lung problems?" the nurse asked. Atsushi nodded.
"thank you, this will make his diagnosis easier to find." atsushi nodded again and the nurse left.

A few hours later the nurse came back. Atsushi had been pacing back and forth waiting for the nurse to return with information.
"would you like to come outside with me? The nurse said.
"n-no atsushi. S-stay p-lease..." akutagwa said weakly. Gin held his hand, extramly worried. The nurse shut the door and explained what the problem was.

"I'm afraid Mr akutagwas left lung is slowly collapsing on itself which is why he's in so much pain. It has gotten a lot worse overtime since Mr akutagwa hadn't said anything but we can most definitely fix it with surgery. It won't be difficult, but the recovery most likely will be."
Atsushi agreed to the surgery and after an hour they took akutagwa away.

The surgery was finished after about 3 and a half hours and the good news was that akutagwa would make a full recovery. The bad news was that the recovery time would be at least 2 months. He had to be on bedrest for at least a week and wouldnt be allowed to walk for the next 4 weeks. After that he would have to extreamy careful and no exssesive moving.

When they got home atsushi was very strict with akutagwa. He wouldn't let akutagwa get out of bed without his help and he definitely would not let him cook. Akutagwa was extramly bored but loved how caring atsushi was being.
"atsushi, you OK over there?"
"I'm fine, don't worry, just sit still."

'you say as the fucking sink is on fire.' akutagwa thought.

1016 words! Hope you liked the ending, it's defo soothing atsushi would do.

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