F-fuck.. (smut)

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Akutagwa towered over atsushi topless, and decided to properly prepare him. He licked down the whole of atsushis body and bit his neck a few times. Neither of them had been touched like this for a while so they were both incredibly sensitive. After a while of akutagawa using his mouth to pleasure atsushi he was about to loosen him up. Before he got the chance, atsushi had flipped them over so now he was on top of akutagawa.

"not so fast pretty boy." atsushi scoffed. He rubbed himself on akutagawa causing him to groan. He then went to kiss him. They kissed passionately for a while before atsushi pulled away. He sucked on akutagawas neck, leaving dark purple hickeys.

Akutagwa mentally cried as he had no shirts or accessories to cover his neck. Atsushi then slid himself down in between akutagawas legs and licked his member. Akutagawa stared at him, his hand covering his mouth.
"F-fuck atsushi." he grumbled, feeling the pleasure as atsushi bobbed his head.

Akutagwa then grabbed atsushis head and pushed it down. When atsushi lifted his head, akutagawas cum dribbled down his chin from his mouth. The mafioso stared at atsushi in disbelief, then eventually, lust.

He grabbed atsushi and swapped their places again. He messed around with atsushis stomach, licking him and nibbling. He slid down to his thighs and decided to bite down hard.


Atsushi arched his back as he felt the pain of akutagawas teeth sink in. When akutagawa let go, blood dripped from his mouth. He was grinning as he locked eyes with atsushi, who was panting and wincing.

"o-ouch." he stuttered as akutagawa grinned apologetically. He then gently inserted his fingers, leaving atsushi to get used to him. It took a little bit of time, but when atsushi was ready, he told akutagawa to start.

Akutagwa began moving his fingers, then soon enough more aggressively. This caused atsushi to grumble under his breath slightly.

After a short while, atsushi said he was ready and akutagawa slid into him carefully, as not to cause any pain. Atsushis body shivered as he felt the length of akutagawa inside him once more. Suddenly, atsushi felt that akutagawa was different.

"a-aku.. " he started, "a-are you... Bigger?" he said, leaning his head back as enjoyed the way his lover felt.
"hmm. I suppose It is." akutagawa smirked.
"h-how?" atsushi said stunned. Akutagawa lead over so that he was next to atsushis ear.
"believe it or not jinko, I haven't been at my fullest with you before, I've done it on purpose to surprise you. For a moment like this." akutagawa grinned.
"a-ah.." was the response akutagawa got it return as he slowly pushed in again.
"how big are you at your fullest?" atsushi asked, genuinely curious.
"somwhere between 8 and 10."
Atsushis eyes widened as he stared in belief.
"t-there's now way y-you're that big n-now?!"
The mafioso grinned.
"I'm not. I'm probably at 7 right now."

Atsushi looked stunned as akutagawa pushed in again.
"na-Ah~" he moaned, arching his back slightly, "ngh~ r-ryu... You're getting bigger already." he whined.
"8." akutagawa whispered as he picked up the pace.

"hngh.. AH~ ah- ryuu~ s-slow down..." atsushi whimpered as he turned his face to the side and buried his face in a pillow.

NAGHH~ HNAGH~" atsushis back arched again, as akutagawa picked up the pace even more. He gripped at the bed sheets behind him. He wasn't ashamed of making noises around akutagawa but decided to cover his mouth anyways. Akutagawa noticed this and flipped him over to pin his hands above him easier.
"nice try." he spat but not harshly.

Atsushi tried to Bury his face in the bed but he couldn't breath properly when he did so he turned his face to the side in defeat. He grumbled before akutagawa crammed into him again, causing more submissive and aggressive moans and whimpers than before.

"ryu.. S-slow down.. Please I b-beg." atsushi pleaded.
Aku leaned next to atsushis ear again and whispered, "no." the alcohol from earlier and the list were most likely kicking in, causing akutagawa to have no mercy.
He stayed by atsushis ear and fucked him harder and faster every time he pounded.
"HNGH~ RYU SLOW-NYAGH~" atsushi moaned as akutagawa picked up his speed again. He grabbed atsushis hair and pulled him up to his mouth.


He got more agressive as he pounded into atsushi, blinded by lust and impatience. He felt himself about to cum and by the noises and faces his lover was making beneath him, so was he. He eventually got faster and faster, not caring how many times atsushi begged him to stop or slow down. He ended it with one last thrust, causing atsushi to cum. He took himself out, deciding that he didn't want to clean up properly tonight. When he came too, he realised how out of breath he was. He cleaned himself up and called for atsushi to clean too but didn't get a reply.

He found atsushi, passed out on the bed. He wiped him down quickly and tucked him in.

Throughout the night, he didn't sleep once. At about 3 in the morning, someone was knocking at the door. He got out of bed, happy-ish that he had something to do. In the doorway was dazai.
"hey aku, you mind if I pop in to talk to atsushi?" he said. Akutagawa nodded his head and went to sit on the sofa while dazai spoke to atsu.

"hmm? O-oh.. Hello dazai.." atsushi yawned sitting up. "Ow!" he rubbed his back wincing.
"shit, aku really did a number on you hey?" dazai laughed. Atsushi looked upset, causing dazai to stop laughing and become serious.
"are you alright?"
Atsushi nodded, wiping away a tear. Dazai hugged him.
"I'll talk to him for you OK?" dazai said. Atsushi nodded and went to go back to sleep.

996 words, the next chapter will be angsty for you depressed angst lovers!

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