d-dazai~ (smut)

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Dazai grinned as he held the back of chuuyas neck. He leaned into his ear again.
"Ooh trust me chibi, I will." Chuuya felt a cold shiver run down his spine at the way he said it.

Before he knew it, dazai had carried him to the bedroom. Rummaging throught the draws, he found a scarf. He turned round and held it up at chuuya who was clearly confused. Dazai then went over to chuuya, pushed him so he was lead down, and knelt over him. Chuuya felt embarrassed and covered his face with his hands.

Dazai had grabbed chuuyas hands, pinned them above his head and tied them together.
"I remember how much fun we both had doing it like this, your pleasured face, and the way you held me when I hit your sensitive areas."
Chuuya tried to knee dazai but he was stopped.
"D-dazai.. aren't we moving too quickly?" Chuuya said. Dazai thought for a second.
"We can stop if you want, go on some dates first if you'd like." Dazai said, letting go.


Chuuya wrapped his legs around dazai and pulled him down.
"Don't stop. Ever."

Dazai nodded and gripped chuuyas hands again. Chuuya bucked his hips into the taller male.
"Aren't you needy? You're much more needy then I remember. Awwe, little chuu, are you touch deprived?" Dazai teased, taking off chuuyas clothes.

Once chuuya was naked other than his underwear and collar, he waited for the brown haired to undress too. Dazai also took all his clothes off, everything except his badanges and underwear.

Dazai leaned over chuuya, and bent down to kiss him. He licked chuuyas lip for entrance, and they both fought for dominance. Dazai winning, obviously. While they were kissing dazai was focusing on getting chuuya prepared. He played with his nipples with one hand, while the other was holding the back of the smaller ones neck.

They finished kissing and they both gasped for air. When they could breath properly again, dazai took his fingers up to chuuyas mouth

"Suck." He ordered. Chuuya did so without hesitation.

Once he felt his fingers were wet enough, he took of chuuyas underwear and slowly entered two of his fingers.
"Oh chuuya, you're going to have to get used to me again. Last time we did this was over 2 years ago. I've felt so lonley without you chuu." Dazai complained. All he got in response was sensitive noises and heavy breathing.

Dazai began moving his fingers in a slow motion, as not to alarm his lover. Chuuya groaned and arched his back slightly. Dazai felt chuuya was ready and took his fingers out gently.

"Dazai?" Chuuya questioned when he felt dazai take his fingers. He then felt something. He arched his back like a cat and moaned loudly after a jolt occurred in his stomach.

"Ngh~ d-dazai- a warning next time." Chuuya scolded. Dazai grinned in pity and kissed his forehead before leaning down to chuuyas ear for the 3rd time.
"Get ready for the night of your life chibi." He said in a low, seductive voice. Chuuya felt his face get hot and it turned him on even more. He glared at dazai as to say "screw you". Dazai smirked.

He grabbed chuuyas thighs and thrusted into him, but not harshly as not to hurt him. Chuuya wriggled around to get comfy and when he did he nodded to dazai. The brown haired then slowly pulled out and thrusted back in again. Chuuya squirmed and let out some quite moans. Dazai grinned.

He went in and out for 10 minutes at a steady pace, not doing anything more. He saw chuuya was getting irritated and knew why. He'd been going slow to hear what he knew chuuya was going to say.

"FOR FUCKS SAKE DAZAI, IM NOT A VIRGIN, GO HARDER." he yelled. Dazai grinned.
"As you wish my Prince."

Dazai grabbed chuuyas waist and pulled him in.
"Ngah~" chuuya moaned.
The taller thrusted into him harder then before and gradually picked up his speed when he felt it was right.
Chuuya felt every thrust and was pleasured. Unfortunately for him, dazai wasn't satisfied.

Dazai flipped chuuya on his stomach and dragged his ass up so he was I'm a doggy style. He then grabbed the gingers waist and thrusted back into him. He pounded chuuya hard and when he noticed chuuya was converting his mouth he untied his hands and re-tied them behind his back.
"Nice try chibi, but I want to hear you."

A jolt of pain flowed though chuuyas body, but ut felt so good it hardly classed as pain. He moaned loudly and tears fell down his face. Dazai then grabbed chuuyas hair and pulled chuuyas head towards him. He then leaned down so he was next to chuuyas ear, for the 100th time. He turned chuuyas face towards him and kissed him roughly, still thrusting. Chuuya moaned into his mouth constantly.

Dazai stopped kissing him to tell chuuya he was close and chuuya nodded as if to say me too. Dazai grinned and untied his hands, pinning them above him. He grabbed chuuyas waist again and ended it with one final. Agressive thrust. Which earned him a loud and seductive moan from chuuya.

He pulled out and watch as chuuya collapsed, out of breath. He kissed chuuya and carried him to the bathroom, running a bath for him. He placed chuuya in the back and joined him, washing him all over so he didn't get sick.

When they finished bathing, he dried chuuya off and carried him to bed. They both got into pyjamas and chuuya fell asleep instantly. Dazai scooped chuuya into arms and lead down next to him, smiling to himself.

"I love you chibi." Dazai said, kissing chuuyas forehead.

"Mhh, yeah.." chuuya grumbled. "I love you too mi amor."
Dazai looked at him confused.
"Mi amor? Are you calling me stupid." Dazai grunted. Chuuya giggled into dazais chest.
"I wish it meant that, dumbass."

After that comment, chuuya fell asleep and all you could hear was light snoring. Dazai followed after him and fell asleep too.

1040 words!!! Thank you so much for all the support! ♡♡

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