Oh My God Dazai-

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Akutagwa was patting atsushis back awkwardly as he threw up while chuuya and dazai were stood twiddling their fingers, glancing at each other from time to time. It was completely silent other than atsushi vomiting violently. When he had finished throwing up he passed out in akutagwas Arms as he was shattered. Akutagwa took him to bed and went back outside to see dazai stripping down into his shorts only.

"DAZAI?!" Akutagwa yelled. Dazai looked up nd grinned happily as chuuya stared in disbelief.
"we can't have this whole abandoned beach to ourselves and not go for a swim. Also, the sun's out." he said, running to the waves. He tripped on his way there and all the two could hear was a painful yelp then silence. After a minute or two, chuuya genuinely thought dazai had died and was about to check on him when he heard an excited noise. They saw dazai jump back up and run into the water.

Dazai had fallen onto a crab and obviously thought he got rid of it. Spoiler alert, he didn't. It was clinging to the bottom of his shorts. Chuuya scoffed and walked inside to get back in bed as it was still early. Akutagwa also went back into his room to check on atsushi.

"atsu?" said akutagwa confused. When he had gone to check on atsushi, he wasn't there. He heard an annoyed groan from the floor and found atsushi stuck between the wall and bed. Akutagwa laughed and held out a hand to help his lover up. But he was actually stuck. Akutagwa had to get chuuya to help him litteraly move the bed to get atsushi up.
"you're a pain atsu." akutagwa grumbled, smacking him lightly on the head.

About 2 hours later, everyone had re-woken up from sleeping again. They came to sit down and akutagwa started cooking bacon and eggs. They began eating and atsushi fell asleep again halfway through eating his food. Chuuya ended up finishing it for him. There was a calm and peaceful silence which soothed the 3 of them. Chuuya and akutagwa listened to the wind and waves. Then there was another sound that scared them.


An extremely high pitched scream came from down the very bottom of the beach. The voice cracks in it broke the sound barrier I swear to God. After the scream, dazai came running to chuuya and jumped on his lap.

"oh my God dazai-" chuuya howled, he started laughing.
"SHUT UP CHUUYA" dazai grumbled waking atsushi which really pissed akutagwa off.

Dazai was bright red from head to toe. Apparently he had fallen asleep on the sand and forgot how sunny he was and got badly burnt. Chuuya was still wetting himself.

He told dazai to get dressed and then they went to the town market. They bought aftersun lotion and some food to cook later. Dazai used half the bottle in 3 days which chuuya got furious at. He ended up taking the lotion off dazai and hiding it.

After 5 more days, dazai was moving slowly and trying to keep his distance so he didn't cause himself pain. He was still lobster red too which made chuuya feel really bad so he gave it back and threatened dazai to use it properly. Dazai was so happy he hugged chuuya which caused him to cry out in pain but he didn't care, he was happy.

594 Words. Sorry it's short but I've been busy, also, this chaoters supposed to be a little bit of a joke.

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